Player Profile
Rank: 109
Points: 34653
Wins: 4734
Losses: 4019
Win/Loss Ratio: 1.18
Time Played: 3 weeks (464 hours)
Last Connection: 2017-08-08 03:05:37
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19518037
Kills: 3472
Assists: 461
Deaths: 1408
Kill/Death ratio: 2.47
Best Prop: Capture Point (survived 108 times)
Worst Prop: Oil Drum (died 43 times)
Average survival time: 213 seconds
Best Map: Maze (238 kills)
Worst Map: Farm Feud (108 deaths)
Favourite Class: Engineer
Favourite Weapon: Frontier Justice (1523 kills)
Nemesis: [CIA] Colax (died to: 38 times)
Prey: Astrill_Mann (killed: 26 times)
Weapon Kills % of Kills
Frontier Justice 1523 43.87%
Shotgun - Engineer 579 16.68%
Short Stop 372 10.71%
Southern Hospitality 299 8.61%
Afterburn 98 2.82%
Amputator 95 2.74%
World 62 1.79%
Backburner 59 1.7%
Shotgun - Pyro 50 1.44%
Scattergun 50 1.44%
Dischord (Taunt) 38 1.09%
Pumpkin Bomb 38 1.09%
Projectile Healing Bolt 34 0.98%
Bleed Out 31 0.89%
Ubersaw 22 0.63%
Force-A-Nature 19 0.55%
Wrench Jag 12 0.35%
Syringegun 11 0.32%
Back Scratcher 10 0.29%
Powerjack 10 0.29%
Crusaders Crossbow 10 0.29%
Degreaser 9 0.26%
Gunslinger 7 0.2%
Candy Cane 4 0.12%
Pistol Scout 4 0.12%
Flamethrower 3 0.09%
Wrench 3 0.09%
Brass Beast 3 0.09%
Bonesaw 3 0.09%
The Lugermorph 2 0.06%
Hadouken (Taunt) 2 0.06%
Equalizer 2 0.06%
Righteous Bison 2 0.06%
Lava Axe 2 0.06%
Flaregun 1 0.03%
The Eyelander 1 0.03%
Fists 1 0.03%
Soda Popper 1 0.03%
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