Player Profile
Rank: 40
Points: 68662
Wins: 10993
Losses: 8128
Win/Loss Ratio: 1.35
Time Played: 1 month (983 hours)
Last Connection: 2013-09-01 17:01:08
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23350611
Kills: 666
Assists: 150
Deaths: 191
Kill/Death ratio: 3.49
Best Prop: Pile of Hay (survived 3 times)
Worst Prop: Oil Drum (died 10 times)
Average survival time: 196 seconds
Best Map: Timbertown (55 kills)
Worst Map: Mountain (18 deaths)
Favourite Class: Pyro
Favourite Weapon: Degreaser (316 kills)
Nemesis: Astrill_Mann (died to: 7 times)
Prey: Azziq *FI (killed: 8 times)
Weapon Kills % of Kills
Degreaser 316 47.45%
Flaregun 150 22.52%
Flamethrower 50 7.51%
Axtinguisher 38 5.71%
Scattergun 22 3.3%
Mailbox 21 3.15%
Lava Axe 16 2.4%
World 13 1.95%
Pomson 6 0.9%
The Lugermorph 5 0.75%
Pumpkin Bomb 5 0.75%
Powerjack 5 0.75%
Hadouken (Taunt) 5 0.75%
Gunslinger 4 0.6%
Holiday Punch 3 0.45%
Guillotine 2 0.3%
Annihilator 2 0.3%
The Homewrecker 1 0.15%
Phlogistinator 1 0.15%
Afterburn 1 0.15%
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