Player Profile
Rank: 51
Points: 58291
Wins: 5867
Losses: 4482
Win/Loss Ratio: 1.31
Time Played: 3 weeks (572 hours)
Last Connection: 2017-04-07 16:41:11
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43017226
Kills: 14919
Assists: 1815
Deaths: 3414
Kill/Death ratio: 4.37
Best Prop: Capture Point (survived 11 times)
Worst Prop: Mining Crate (died 141 times)
Average survival time: 192 seconds
Best Map: Oasis (1270 kills)
Worst Map: Switcheroo (214 deaths)
Favourite Class: Pyro
Favourite Weapon: Flaregun (6081 kills)
Nemesis: <UNION> Shooter.ᵉˣᵉ (died to: 86 times)
Prey: Sin0fSloth (killed: 121 times)
Weapon Kills % of Kills
Flaregun 6081 40.76%
Degreaser 5064 33.94%
Axtinguisher 1891 12.68%
Scattergun 815 5.46%
Flamethrower 502 3.36%
World 178 1.19%
Market Gardener 113 0.76%
Mailbox 82 0.55%
Afterburn 62 0.42%
Freedom Staff 59 0.4%
The Eyelander 26 0.17%
Shotgun - Pyro 14 0.09%
Pumpkin Bomb 6 0.04%
Candy Cane 5 0.03%
Force-A-Nature 3 0.02%
Powerjack 3 0.02%
Mantreads 3 0.02%
Annihilator 3 0.02%
Unarmed Combat 2 0.01%
Hadouken (Taunt) 2 0.01%
Back Scratcher 1 0.01%
Pistol Scout 1 0.01%
Lollichop 1 0.01%
Fryingpan 1 0.01%
Equalizer 1 0.01%
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