Player Profile
Rank: 24
Points: 90686
Wins: 12061
Losses: 9995
Win/Loss Ratio: 1.21
Time Played: 2 months (1264 hours)
Last Connection: 2012-04-20 03:58:47
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31587288
Kills: 2246
Assists: 362
Deaths: 3516
Kill/Death ratio: 0.64
Best Prop: Capture Point (survived 541 times)
Worst Prop: Dynamite Crate (died 159 times)
Average survival time: 217 seconds
Best Map: Cyberpunk (252 kills)
Worst Map: Spooky Ravine (307 deaths)
Favourite Class: Pyro
Favourite Weapon: Flamethrower (1645 kills)
Nemesis: Digi (died to: 104 times)
Prey: High Priced Oregano (killed: 42 times)
Weapon Kills % of Kills
Flamethrower 1645 73.24%
Hadouken (Taunt) 155 6.9%
World 69 3.07%
Flaregun 66 2.94%
Scattergun 64 2.85%
Frontier Justice 62 2.76%
Afterburn 48 2.14%
Shotgun - Engineer 35 1.56%
Force-A-Nature 31 1.38%
The Homewrecker 20 0.89%
Southern Hospitality 15 0.67%
Wrench 10 0.45%
Dischord (Taunt) 6 0.27%
Baseball 4 0.18%
Backburner 4 0.18%
Pistol Scout 4 0.18%
Rocket Launcher 2 0.09%
Pumpkin Bomb 2 0.09%
Home Run (Taunt) 1 0.04%
The Sandman 1 0.04%
Shotgun - Pyro 1 0.04%
Bleed Out 1 0.04%
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