Player Profile
Rank: 70
Points: 44583
Wins: 4258
Losses: 1943
Win/Loss Ratio: 2.19
Time Played: 2 weeks (310 hours)
Last Connection: 2012-01-28 21:07:56
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:1957744
Kills: 5158
Assists: 566
Deaths: 855
Kill/Death ratio: 6.03
Best Prop: Dynamite Crate (survived 40 times)
Worst Prop: Pile of Wood (Farm) (died 43 times)
Average survival time: 205 seconds
Best Map: Oasis (355 kills)
Worst Map: Lumberyard (53 deaths)
Favourite Class: Pyro
Favourite Weapon: Flamethrower (4136 kills)
Nemesis: Urethra Franklin (died to: 33 times)
Prey: The MC (killed: 60 times)
Weapon Kills % of Kills
Flamethrower 4136 80.19%
Scattergun 553 10.72%
Afterburn 135 2.62%
Flaregun 108 2.09%
Axtinguisher 82 1.59%
World 58 1.12%
Pumpkin Bomb 19 0.37%
Shotgun - Pyro 16 0.31%
Shotgun - Engineer 11 0.21%
Backburner 6 0.12%
Southern Hospitality 6 0.12%
Short Stop 5 0.1%
Frontier Justice 4 0.08%
Hadouken (Taunt) 4 0.08%
The Lugermorph 3 0.06%
Shotgun - Soldier 3 0.06%
Holy Mackerel 3 0.06%
Tribalman's Shiv 2 0.04%
Huntsman 2 0.04%
Bat 1 0.02%
Rocket Launcher 1 0.02%
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