Player Profile
❤ Ana ❤ The Candy Bun
Rank: 2264
Points: 2995
Wins: 670
Losses: 887
Win/Loss Ratio: 0.76
Time Played: 3 days (82 hours)
Last Connection: 2015-02-01 20:21:54
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20118959
Kills: 14
Assists: 7
Deaths: 95
Kill/Death ratio: 0.15
Best Prop: Palm Tree (survived 2 times)
Worst Prop: Large Barrel #2 (died 5 times)
Average survival time: 192 seconds
Best Map: Mountain (2 kills)
Worst Map: Devils Canyon (9 deaths)
Favourite Class: Pyro
Favourite Weapon: Flamethrower (9 kills)
Nemesis: Señor™ Bomber (died to: 7 times)
Prey: Bayonetta (killed: 1 times)
Weapon Kills % of Kills
Flamethrower 9 64.29%
Backburner 3 21.43%
Detonator 1 7.14%
Degreaser 1 7.14%
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