Best Posts in Thread: SlothBox Additional Features

  1. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    So what you're saying is, that if @Dark was a dedicated admin, driven by delivering the dankest memes to his forums, that he'd totally be able to knock this out in 5 minutes?
  2. Gaw discord is my friend now

    we pretty much are with all of the spam bots
  3. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    Basically @Dark but I'd appreciate input from those who use the SB on the daily.

    Not sure if you guys are familiar with GroupMe, but I've been using it quite a lot recently. It's basically just a group chat app. It has one real nice feature though that you might want to consider for the SlothBox.

    You can hover over a message and it brings up a little heart in the corner.


    If you want to upheart the message, you click it and it goes red.


    Obviously the more hearts, the higher the counter goes.

    Basically some way to 'like' posts in the SlothBox would be fun. Not sure if other people agree, or if you could be fucked to make it happen @Dark but I thought I'd suggest it anyway. Work your post rating addon into it and encourage everyone to buy both.

    It's just funny when someone is getting roasted to upheart the shit out of funny messages.

    E: also if I could upload pictures from my pc or phone to the SB that'd be cool. It's a bit of a hassle to upload to imgkk and then send the link, especially when imgkk still rotates iphone images.