Advice on map change by vote?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Bulletproof, 1 Aug 2009.

  1. Bulletproof Last one alive, Lock the door.

    Advice on map change by vote?

    I use mani admin & I'm struggling to get my server on css to change by vote when the time goes. It's a bhop server so everyone is on the same team so the round cant end by everyone being killed. 3 minutes before the time is up the menu comes up saying 6 maps and 15 mins extend. Let's say map 3 won. after the 3 min has gone when i type timeleft it says "THIS IS THE LAST ROUND!" and because we're all on the same team the round wont end.

    // Timelimit is how many minutes for a map.
    mp_timelimit 25

    // When a team reaches this amount of wins (before the timelimit or the roundlimit is
    // reached), it has won the map. 0=disabled
    mp_winlimit 0

    // When two teams finish playing this amount of rounds (before the timelimit or the
    // winlimit is reached) the map ends. 0=disabled
    mp_maxrounds 0

    // Round time, in minutes. After this amount of minutes has passed,
    // a scenario win is awarded. Min 1, Max 9
    mp_roundtime 0

    // Sets the seconds before players can move in the beginning of a round
    mp_freezetime 0

    *** MANI SETTINGS ***

    // Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting)
    mani_voting 1

    // Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
    mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 0

    // Defines the time in minutes a extend vote will add to the timeleft counter
    mani_vote_extend_time 15

    // Defines the whether the a map can be extended
    mani_vote_allow_extend 1

    // Defines amount of time in seconds a vote will be allowed for
    mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 50

    // Defines whether a random map vote will be displayed towards the end of
    // the map
    mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 1

    // Number of extensions a map is allowed via user vote or random map vote,
    // 0 = infinite
    mani_vote_max_extends 2

    // Number of rounds to extend by if mp_winlimit is not 0
    mani_vote_extend_rounds 0

    // Define the file to use for random map vote
    // 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
    mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 1

    // Define the file that admin can select from for admin
    // started vote.
    // 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
    mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 1

    // Defines how many minutes before the end of the map that a random map vote
    // is started
    mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 3

    // Defines how many maps can be in the end of map vote
    mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 6

    // Allow team swap option as part of Extend map on end
    // of map vote (CSS Only)
    mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 0
  2. Geit Coding wizard!

    Re: Advice on map change by vote?

    Eww...Mani :<

    Get sourcemod.:P
  3. Reag My name is an anagram for a reason

    Re: Advice on map change by vote?

  4. Re: Advice on map change by vote?

    Yeah i use sm on my server, its epic
  5. Bulletproof Last one alive, Lock the door.

    Re: Advice on map change by vote?

    soo take off mani and put sm on?
  6. Re: Advice on map change by vote?

  7. Bulletproof Last one alive, Lock the door.

    Re: Advice on map change by vote?

    hmm thats harder done then said.. coz im a newb
  8. Reag My name is an anagram for a reason

    Re: Advice on map change by vote?

    Not really, I'm guessing because you've got mani installed it means you've got metamod aswell, just download SM from their site and follow the instructions, it's easy as piss.

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