Anyone up for some Highlanders?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by XOo, 27 Dec 2008.

  1. XOo

    Re: Anyone up for some Highlanders?

    1st 30st december isnt 09 and maybe i can play, the 11th maybe I can play there

    I can play scout sniper soli medic
  2. Bun

    Re: Anyone up for some Highlanders?

    I can play all of em, don't know about the 11th tough.
  3. Re: Anyone up for some Highlanders?

    I can play on the 3rd and 11th, any class - if you need any help organising them let me know.
  4. Th-

    Re: Anyone up for some Highlanders?

    I voted 30th and 3rd.
    I can play any class.
  5. Re: Anyone up for some Highlanders?

    30th (sure) + 3rd (not sure)

  6. Re: Anyone up for some Highlanders?

    30th definitely, and maybe the others

  7. Re: Anyone up for some Highlanders?

    All dates.

    Any class, except spy. ;)

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