Dota 2

Discussion in 'Dota 2' started by Spykodemon, 30 Nov 2011.

  1. Subv You ain't even lord of your yard

    I got a few questions, can someone explain me which role is which, and why. Like in league top laners are usually bruisers, mid are mages/assassins etc, so what it's like in dota, also, can someone explain me how AP/AD, armor, works in this game, or whats their Dota equivalent?
  2. Take a look at this guide first Subv, it might answer a few of those questions I think. The quick answer is that roles seem a bit more open and lanes aren't quite so rigid. There is no AP per se, abilities mainly seem to have flat damage numbers but certain spells/items increase their effectiveness. AD is literally just the damage you do on auto attacks, and items saying +Damage increase that value. Your hero's primary stat also increases your damage, I believe, so each point in it will improve your auto attacks.
    Last edited: 26 Apr 2014
  3. ima Bean Go ham or go home.

    Can somebody please explanation to me why everybody isn't using the panda courier it's clearly most effective

    R u all banana
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  4. The way "stats" work in this game is the following, it varies a lot from League of Legends:

    There are three primary stats:
    • Strength: Provides Health & Health Regeneration
    • Agility: Provides Armour & Attack Speed
    • Intelligence: Provides Mana & Mana Regeneration
    The way to increase these stats is by buying items. As heroes level up, they gain more of each stat, each one of them at different rates. Each hero has a primary statistic. For example, Invoker who is an Intelligence hero will, aside from mana and mana regeneration will get more auto attack damage the more intelligence they build. He will also gain more intelligence than usual from leveling up. There is a "stereotype" when it comes to these things, for example: strength heroes tend to be tanks, Agility heroes tend to be auto-attack based, and Intelligence heroes tend to be mages, however there are several exceptions (Phoenix, for example).

    As for lanes, DOTA 2 is not as rigid as League in terms of the meta. You can have solo-lanes, duo-lanes, tri-lanes, and all sorts of shit depending on your team setup, and champions tend to be a lot more flexible and therefore can be played in many lanes. The same champion can be played jungle, in a solo lane, duo lane, or mid depending on who you choose. For example, Abaddon can be played as a pure support or as a semi-carry, or anything in between depending on your item choices.

    The best way for you to learn DOTA however is to just play the game and watch some Purge videos.
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  5. Bagman Some cunt on the internet


  7. Does anyone else have issues when downloading dota updates, I get a 110 mb update and it downloads 5 mb and then stops for a minute downloads another 5 until theres 30 left and just does it all at once.

    Doesnt happen with any other games just dota.
  9. Double post ban me, but holy shit:

  10. ban this guy please
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  11. Mole45 Dance Little Liar


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  12. Justice has been served this day, thank you mole
  13. can confirm

    source: am hellreaver
  14. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

  15. Mole45 Dance Little Liar

    Compendiums at the ready, it's time to try and predict things I know nothing about.
  16. i think there will be a winner
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  17. Akiba Terminus Ut Exordium

    Possibility of a GM fantasy league for this?
  18. Mole45 Dance Little Liar

    Last edited: 15 May 2014
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  19. Fun Fact: If first place receives 50% of the prize pool split like they did last year, every winning member on the team instantly becomes the highest paid player in eSports history. Jaedong's ~520k across oodles of years of Starcraft will be eclipsed by a single tournament.

    (This taken at the 5,5mil mark.)
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  20. Mole45 Dance Little Liar

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