Favorite League Champions

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Sean, 31 Mar 2015.

  1. Not before dinner and a movie, Lewis
  2. Cookies4you Crippling Pickling Prickling Disorder

    That global taunt makes you a reaaaaaally good target.
  3. Hearth Forever Traitor

    When I played Threah from Bronze to Gold last season, I was in my promos to Silver - we got into lobby, organised roles and the like. All but this one guy who showed up late after AFK-ing picks/bans and demanded Teemo top. Naturally people got annoyed and started to flame but we eventually gave in after the top agrees to jungle and let him take top instead.

    First pick comes around and they choose Pantheon and Jax. We all beg the guy to reconsider and choose something to counter Panth/Jax but all he says is; "Never underestimate the power of the Scouts Code." in chat. He instantly locked in Teemo after that. We begrudgingly finish making our picks and I start to come to terms with that I might have to win 2/3 games rather than 2/2 if I want Silver.

    We all get and buy items, leash for the Jungler and begin farming. At 3 minutes into the game First Blood is called. It's Teemo. He just killed Pantheon.

    We all say "gj" to him, "Captain Teemo is on duty!" he says back in chat.

    6 minutes in. "An enemy has been slain." "Double kill!" He's just taken out Jax and Pantheon after a gank.

    "Hup, two three four!" He says in chat.

    We do dragon at 15 minutes due to causing them to back at bot lane. They come back quicker than expected and begin to hassle us as we do dragon but then, suddenly, Teemo arrives. He's bought a stinger and a liandries. He charges in and gets a triple kill after blinding the ADC and killing them, killing the support and baiting the jungler into multiple shrooms.

    They surrender at 20 minutes with no kills. Teemo ends it with 7 kills and no deaths with 130 farm.

    "Never underestimate the power of the Scout's Code." he says as their Nexus explodes.

    He quit the post-game lobby before anyone said anything and he declined my friend request. His match history was full of Teemo wins like our one.

    Whoever you are, wherever you may be, I'll never forget you; The Little Teemo That Could.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Wizard Wizard x 2
    • List
  4. Cactus The key is to never give up

    when I played with a teemo he went like 5-0 in lane but then went out of position in every fight (sometimes just being caught out rather than bad positioning in a tf) from mid-late game. He ended up going afk because he was tired of being "the tank" for the team...
  5. Hearth Forever Traitor

    Yeah, Teemo has no escapes and needs to plan where a team fight will be so he can shroom / plan where to blind and pick out the ADC from. Ideally his team pretend to baron as he stealths somewhere and then takes the ADC out all stealthy like.
  6. The MC Official GM PropHunt Manager

    something something obvious something LeBlanc

    - - -

    Aside from LB being by far my favourite (followed by Jinx (and pre-rework Nid)), I am extremely variable on which champs I enjoy.

    Depends also on how we want to define a favourite, since if i'm playing ranked my "favourites" are Ryze/LB/Jinx/Janna but I definitely wouldn't put Janna or Ryze as my favourite champs on playstyle/kit.
    Last edited: 2 Apr 2015
  7. Cookies4you Crippling Pickling Prickling Disorder

    Surprisingly, I have no idea why Poppy is my favorite champion. The champion I play the most is actually Alistar.
  8. Infernal Dragon I love people very much.. with ketchup

    I've liked Braum lately. Starting with his awesome well-made personality what making you feel positive even if the game is going bad. And ending with his ability to 100% protect your ADC in teamfights, while he kills everybody.
    But imo this champion is only for DuoQ's and team rankeds, because if there is no synergy or your adc doing bad - you can't do anything realy.
  9. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    Nautilus, from when I started to now. First of all, he's just a cool champion; no cross-meta bullshit like all the champions since. Just an isolated figure in a diving suit. No charisma, no massive backstory that ties into anything else, just a eerie, sentient diving suit.

    Plus, there's never been a point where he's not a viable pick, in the four years I've played him. Tanky as fuck with his W alone, his hook and ult makes him a ganking machine, an aoe slow and a suitable amount of dmg. He's the ultimate proof that you don't need to go some glass cannon carry piece of shit to carry from the jungle. He's such a fucking juggernaut, it's crazy people don't play him. No real cons + a master at CC = one of the greatest junglers

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