[RSS] Every one of you deserves a medal!

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by TF2 News, 24 May 2009.

  1. TF2 News Probably several years late

    [RSS] Every one of you deserves a medal!

    First off, a quick note: We put so much stuff into this update that we didn't manage to cover it all on the internets before the update went live, so we made a special Bonus page. In addition, our merchandising crew had as much fun coming up with Spy & Sniper themed merchandise as we did making the update, so make sure you go and check it all out.

  2. Reag My name is an anagram for a reason

    Re: [RSS] Every one of you deserves a medal!

    Oh god, it's Facepunches news node all over again.
  3. Ray

    Re: [RSS] Every one of you deserves a medal!

    The most pathetic apology cake ever. Hats.

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