Starbound Griefer/Hacker

Discussion in 'Report a player' started by Exe, 6 Jul 2014.

  1. Exe Total Spoon


    Me and my clan play on your Starbound server very often, and the community is rather nice there.
    However, a player that goes with the name of 'Faggot' has recently griefed our HQ, completely destroyed. He has also caused some annoyance in chat I heard from one of my fellow members.

    That is not all, after breaking our base, filling the sky with iron, and building some inappropriate statues, we caught him in the act of griefing while invisible.

    Everyone agrees he should be banned, if you want the coordinates to the planet or want to contact other people on the server then please ask ;)

    Thanks a dozen,

    EDIT: His name is 'Frobro, he admits to griefing on the server, yet he sometimes says he never has. I demand a permaban - everyone on the server is getting annoyed from him, and he has no reason for all this griefing! I caught him in the act, but I do not have screenshots. He is also found to be multiclienting with two accounts, Frobro and Faggot. He even told me this in chat...

    If you want to see the planet:
    Go to -82080632 4689328
    Alpha Duania Minoris III - Forest biome - Threat LVL 1

    All your proof is there, he needs to be banned immediately!

    Last edited: 6 Jul 2014
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  2. I was also there to witness this,

    His main account "Faggot" is commonly used to insult people and steal whenever he get's the chance. it hadn't become a problem until recently but I believe that something official should still be done about it, no-one in the server should have to deal with this person and his shenanigans any longer.

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