The bad thing that happened to you today.(Venting thread)

Discussion in 'Random' started by Akiba, 2 Mar 2013.

  1. Exams are bitches - I struggle with the massively because it's so stressful and there's so much pressure. I'm sorry guys :(
  2. Akiba Terminus Ut Exordium

    Yet again my friends can't come visit due to assignments and stuff this time, total bullshit.
  3. 1 week before leaving for New York and I might be sick...
  4. Zetsumei Spaceman

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  5. Harv Admiral Anchovy

    My team lost the biggest match of the season and i got sprayed with some pepper juice before we even got there.
  6. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Sick before a crazy busy day, monday will be a fun day.
  7. Harv Admiral Anchovy

    Urology motherfuckers.
  8. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    I went to work and "forgot" how stupid these people actually are.
  9. Ask him to download UltraSurf (or USurf for short). It'll fix that kind of problem.
  10. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    Watched one of Anita Sarkeesian's videos.

    It pisses me off that she's taken a subject actually worth exploring (the portrayal of women in videogames) and simply turned it into a 'friendly' attack on the medium. Yes, a lot of videogames have very sexist takes on women but what do you expect on a form of media dominated mainly by men, in regards to the people working on them and its primary audience. Instead of making a balanced argument, she completely ignores all the positive representations of women in videogames (Beyond Good and Evil, Skyrim, Mirror's Edge, any Valve game) and focusing mainly on typically sexist Japanese games from the 90s/early 00s. It's like accusing films of being sexists while only focusing on the films from the 1930s - 1950s. Of course you're going to see a lot of sexism when you focus on the period of time when videogames, still a very young form of entertainment even now, were made by and for exclusively men. It really annoys me that people are actually paying and funding her to stand on a podium making very snide judgements while surrounding herself in an aura which attacks anyone of being misogynist pigs the moment they try to deliver a counter-argument. And even worse, she's still only just started her video campaign.

    Absolutely ridiculous.
  11. Well on the bright side, if she makes a terrible documentary it'll kill her credibility, ruin her name and she'll almost certainly never get another one funded on kickstarter (or anywhere else potentially). There was a lot of controversy for some people surrounding her asking for money for this project, and if she just goes and proves them all right, that's her own undoing.
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  12. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    The problem is that it has the appearance of a credible documentary to its main audience; feminists and media critics, while videogame enthusiasts are the only people actually likely able to see through her really manipulative choice of examples. It's really shrewd - she'll pick up a really shitty "positive example" like Zelda's active combat roles in some of her games and then rip them to part regardless (Oh, you're telling me that she can only do anything is she pretends to be a MAN? And she gets captured anyway!). So instead of using actual positive examples, she just seems to pick ones she can then use to poke holes in even further.

    I'd be very surprised if this isn't the case once she reaches the modern videogame era. I can imagine her getting to Skyrim, making a small point about the hundreds of strong female characters in the game and then switch back to focusing on the one female character who despite being a queen is entirely dominated by male authorities. It's just so shrewd that it actually does have the capacity to convince people that she is being fair.

    And when it comes to Kickstarter, I can see her getting a load of money regardless as long as she plays the whole WOMEN EMPOWERMENT IN A MALE DOMINATED INDUSTRY angle. From what I've heard, most of her money came from media/feminists institutes from outside videogame fans.
  13. Brent ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Apart from whether her videos are bad or not I cringed at the amount of money she got from kickstarter. It's just a video series on youtube ffs. You don't need $150000 for that. Anyone could produce a video just with knowledge, footage and a pc. bitch
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  14. Vallun I don't take drugs I just take naps.

    ill pls help
  15. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

  16. Google Reader announced it is shutting down :(
  17. Akiba Terminus Ut Exordium

    So a couple of friends(one of my bestfriends and his girlfriend) come to visit, I've told one of them a fair bit about a girl I used to see who is now one of my closest friends at uni, and he obviously told the other considering she's his girlfriend. She happens to be friends with a girl i'm seeing at the moment, and she thinks the girl I used to see is unattractive(because she's a goth/emo type) so she tells the girl i'm currently seeing even though she promised to me she wouldn't(because I knew it would fuck things up) , and because of that she thinks I haven't much else going in terms of prospects(not that it'd matter I make a point of only seeing one girl at a time anyway) and because she thinks I have nothing else going for me she thinks she can wrap me round her little finger, to make matters worse before all this I told the girl I'm currently seeing that a few friends and I are going out in Edinburgh and she can come meet us(obviously so I can see her) but now she doesn't really want to come because the girl I used to see is going to be there, complete fucking bullshit that I have no control over.

    TL;DR Don't fucking trust anyone you only know at 2nd degree even if it is one of your bestfriend's girlfriends.
  18. Cookies4you Crippling Pickling Prickling Disorder

    I woke up and got to school (zero period) late.

    My trumpet broke.

    My delegate partner didn't show up for preparations.

    My dad picked me up late.

    I got the last polish sausage... Without a bun...

    I was forced to do the dishes.

    I stepped on glass (I have Glanzmann's, a form of hemophilia).

    Now I can't walk, I can't do my homework, and I'm bleeding profusely from my right foot.


    My TV Box's hard drive just burned out. Never mind, it was just a screwed up power supply. Now I've gotta buy a new 12V PSU...

    Double Edit:

    I pressed Ctrl + V. I got "". I found my brother's "secret stash", so something good came out of that.

    I really don't think this day can get any worse.

    Oh yeah, and we ran out of cleaning alcohol.
  19. ima Bean Go ham or go home.

    Poured myself some delicious cereal only to find out there's no milk. never bean so heartbroken in my life, day ruined :<

    Don't ask me how you 'pour' cereal. This is serious.
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  20. Vallun I don't take drugs I just take naps.

    cereal without milk is the best cereal.
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  21. ima Bean Go ham or go home.

    Are you crazy?
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