Theory Crafting

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Meh, 18 Oct 2012.

  1. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    Yes I'm aware. Her sword would be too tricky to aim in the midst of a teamfight, she needs to get close to their carry to stun them (imagine trying to tag Ez with that in the middle of a teamfight), and the slow from her ulti is far less effective than a massive knockup.

    Her 'silence' is actually a way to completely shut down a champ; no autoattacks, no abilities and reduced movement speed. And her "slight interrupt" is a way to disable the enemy team for a good amount of time. Unlike Leona's, it won't interrupt either; using it on the target of a Katarina or Nunu ult is far more useful that just slowing them. It's also instant, meaning you can't jsut quickly flash from it like Leona's.

    And I wouldn't count damage in as any way to make a Support's CC more viable. By late game, it's not like Leona or Leona's damage is really going to play a massive part in fights, where their whole viability is based around the strength of their respective CC. And in that regard, Lulu's Polymorph is a second longer than Sona's, and when fully stacked only has a five second longer cooldown.
  2. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    Lulu's there as a more offensive Janna, who can react better to ganks than Leona as well as setting up kills . She can save the AD Carry and herself by shutting down their AD Carry, and use her ultimate to save the Carry (knockups the guys attacking him, gives him a health boost and slows all surrounding enemies as he escapes). You max out your shield first, which can be used to shield, obviously lol, her Carry while also giving him pix, which allows him to farm faster when underpreasure and do more damage in fights and can also be used as a way to poke the enemy down (does more damage than Sona pokes at lower levels, while dealing a lot more damage). She can shutdown and stun like Leona, while also being a lot more effiecent at saving her carry and poking; something Leona just doesn't do well at all.

    She's very good. As someone who mains support, I can safely say she seems more capable of changing a teamfight than Leona, and perhaps even Sona. She's like what Sona was earlier this year; completely ignored because of a harsh nerf until people stopped blindly following the current meta and realized she's still a powerhouse. I know for sure she'll be picked up a lot more in the future, not that professional players are starting to prove her viability :P

    Although I can understand why people don't really notice her on-lane; she's a lot more subtle than a blinding light from the Sky or a massive tremour of music. I'll try supporting as her with you one day bro =D
  3. Considering that at times our focussing isn't very good because our communication in team fights is poor we should go with AoE teams with a good and obvious initiation.

    eg. Jungle : Amumu/ Malphite/ Jarvan
    Top : Vlad/ Riven/ Malphite/ Jarvan/ Singed/ Wukong/ Kennen
    Mid : Anivia/ Brand/ Evelyn/ Fiddle/ Fizz/ Katarina/ Galio/ Karthus/ Morgana/ Oriana/ Swain/ Ziggs/ Zyra
    AD Carry: Miss Fortune/ Corki/ Ezreal/ Graves
    Support: Sona/ Alistar/ Lulu/ Leona/ Nunu

    The idea is that you start with an AoE stun to initiate and then have AoE dmg on team to follow this up. Obviously you don't only get AoE stuns, but at least one or two will make it work with the rest doing AoE dmg.
    An example of a team from this would be: Jungle Malphite, Top Jarvan, Mid Katarina, ADCarry Ezreal, Support Leona. Whereas a worse comp from this would be: Jungle Amumu, Top Malphite, Mid Oriana, ADCarry Ezreal, Support Sona. It would still work but I don't know how the damage output would be affected.
  4. mrljbk Osu Wizard

    Mate, the Irish Mafia have sexy teamfights with our awesomely pro targetting and communication...I think the best team comp is actually:
    Top: Vipar
    Mid: Bobo
    AD: Sjfawcett
    Supp: HarryGW
    Jungle Vipar again coz hes so awesome he can play both at once

    Also worse comp amumu malphite orianna ez and sona trolololololol
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  5. mrljbk Osu Wizard

    I love how graves isnt included in the list of ad carries aswell
  6. I didnt include Graves because I forgot as I dont play ADCarries but yeah he would work too, Ill add him. The reason that I think the second comp is worse is because it has an unnecessary amount of CC, some CC and more dmg would work better in my opinion.
  7. mrljbk Osu Wizard

    AP ammumu!
  8. bestest amumu
  9. You can never have too much CC.
  10. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Watched a match between Blaze and NJ Shield.
    Shield went:

    such a damn scary team fight.

    Edit: My bad, it was Zenics Storm vs CJ Entus and Storm went that comp.
  11. The Ezreal, Graves and Corki nerfs are already starting to see some shift from the holy trinity, will be interesting to see who starts to dominate next. The break from 100% ez/corki has reminded me how much of a scarily powerful combo Kog/Nunu still are at bot.
  12. mrljbk Osu Wizard

  13. mrljbk Osu Wizard

    Mf I meant but my beautiful phone auto corrected that to md
  14. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    Yeah, I can't wait to see if this means that carries like Ashe and Fortune become better competative picks. I really want to try out other AD + Support pairs like Sona and Ashe (dem slows man) just to try something new down at bot.

    Also, I'm still not sure about Nunu. I think I wrote him off to soon as a crude, almost selfish pick, but I still really don't like the idea of a support who continues only directly aiding the AD Carry lategame. Might try out what I've seen others do with him; build early AP on him and watch as the iceballs tear apart the enemy duo early game.
  15. Ashe was the main AD carry back at season 1 finals, I could imagine that they would try to avoid going back to that meta.
  16. Vallun I don't take drugs I just take naps.

    M5 had a Ashe - Sona bot lane in their IPL5 qualifier against ATN yesterday. Worked well.
  17. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Go back to AD Carry mid yo
  18. Infernal Dragon I love people very much.. with ketchup

    Playing premade now on 1.7k - 1.9k elo. Nunu+Vayne TOP and someone who can do solobot 1vs2
    Nunu is a very tanky champion and can heal himself. Pick Q first and going on enemy's top buff. Take it.
    Than after lvl 3 going just dive 24\7 top champion.
    Feeded vayne is OP in lategame.
  19. Picking me first is always a good idea.
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  20. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    Wait, i didnt know your ELO is that high.
    What's your IGN?
  21. Infernal Dragon I love people very much.. with ketchup

    i'm 1683 elo now. But playing with 2k elo guy

    RedPersik - ign

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