Best Posts in Thread: How to make a PropHunt Map.

  1. Powerlord Current Prop Hunt maintainer guy

    OK, I should probably mention some things related to Prop Hunt Redux.
    1. "offset" is currently working.
    2. "rotation" is a new key that allows you to specify a prop's rotation. At the moment it's not well tested. I believe they are in roll (up/down) pitch (left/right) yaw (diagonal spin) order.
    3. Many props now have a default offset. This is stored along with the prop's name in props_common.txt (which replaces prop_names.txt). This data was centralized so we don't have to set these offsets in every config file that uses them. Rotation can also be stored in this file. They can be overridden in a map config file. What this means is that using "models/props_2fort/wastebasket01.mdl" will always offset it up 31 hammer units unless you specify an offset in your map config.
    4. Prop Hunt Redux creates a team_round_timer with the name "prop_hunt_timer". I'm not sure if you can call outputs from this in Hammer, as the entity doesn't exist during map compilation.
    As for skins, it's still not supported... yet. Player skins are usually determined on the client side based on the player's team and other information. I know this applies to custom player models because of how Vs. Saxton Hale (bosses tend to have both BLU and RED skins. BLU players get skin 1, RED players get skin 0). The SendProxy Manager extension may be able to get around this, but I haven't actually looked into it.

    Multi-round maps are currently tricky. Technically they should work... but teams swapping every round introduces issues. Specifically, having an even number of rounds would put the same team in the same role on a specific round. I've been tempted to handle this by simply making even numbers have teams switch every other round... so you'd be hunters twice, then props twice.

    On a side note, I spent 40+ hours during July figuring out all the prop offsets... which was fun as I often had to change them by 1 hammer unit and reload Prop Hunt to check it. A few props were sunk into the ground slightly to avoid the "floating" effect they had... mainly the haypile, control point, and chimneys.
    Last edited: 9 Dec 2013