2v2 Arena duel tournament

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by loll, 4 Sep 2012.

  1. loll Master Exploder

    Basically, I'd like to organise a small tournament and I'd like to know about the community's opinion.
    For each section where there are multiple options just reply about which one should be used.
    The details:

    Tournament mode
    • Point System
    • Double Elimination
    Point systemwould be the following:
    X Teams, X-1 matches for each team. The team with most points after all teams done wins.
    • Win +2 Lose -1 (least amount of ties)
    • Win +1 Lose 0
    • Win +1 Lose -1 (a lot of ties possible)
    Tie breaker matches: Win 0.1 Lose 0
    Multiple teams tied: Every team plays the other ones once.

    Double Elimination:
    Most people know how this works, only one thing:
    • Organised brackets
    • Random brackets
    • Organised teams (eg. Dark teams up with Rioter)
    • Random teams (less imbalance)
    Classes for players:
    • Revealed classes
    • Hidden classes (pm to referee to prevent cheating)
    For random teams, everyone just posts something like I'm in and they will get randomly ordered to another person, this makes the tournament less imbalanced, but less tactical aswell.
    • 2 classes before team breakdown, then choose one to play.
    • 1 class before team breakdown
    • 1 class after team breakdown
    (These won't apply for organised teams.)

    • Best of 3/5/7/11

    1 'Referee'* who spectates the duels and records a demo/post screenshots and the results.
    Duels aren't bound to time (you can play the duel anytime when both teams and the referee are online).
    But, at least 1 match / week, report if inactive.
    The 2 teams contact the referee, and they go to the server and play the match.
    For crashes/disconnects the current round is reset but the status of the match isn't. (eg. teams are playing best of 5 and it's 2-1 and someone crashes, the 4th round is reset but the scores still stay 2-1)


    5 slots, passworded. Password will be on thread if this gets approved later on.

    *I, personally would suggest nlspeed for referee.
  2. imFree (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    2v2? No one plays that nomore :L
  3. Harv Admiral Anchovy

    I'm interested. I think we can't really organize such tourneys with bigger teams as we could barely field 2 teams for the scrim :/
  4. Ling-Ling Some random pyro....

    Maybe you can do some ultiduo if you want 2v2. I might join then...

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