5v5 Premades and why I won't be playing them

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Deleted member 2669, 22 Aug 2012.

  1. Now I've played 3 5v5 premades with GM.

    Every time I've been put on the team with the least amount of teamwork hence leaving the other team with a huge advantage because they've usually already played a couple of games with each other, and therefor are more accustomed to each others playstyles and communication is just better.

    Now, you could argue that I am just a bad player. With the bans I've seen so far, I have very easily been counter-picked no matter my choice, because my team simply didn't know enough about the other teams general picks. It leads to bad bans and to easy counter-picking for the other team.

    The games have followed the same pattern:

    Teams are divided into who plays together and who doesn't.
    The team I am on usually picks bad bans because we don't know what the other team usually picks.
    My team gives up within 10 minutes of the game, and everything is lost.

    Same thing. Three times in a row now. The way that teams are made, are not fair in the least.
    I am not going to point out names.

    So this is why I won't be playing 5v5 premades with GM at least for the time being.
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  2. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    random teams
    random champs
    all mid :D
    cant go wrong haha

    still join us for random party games though
  3. ima Bean Go ham or go home.

    I'll go jungle tibbers tho. Poland's no.1 and that
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  4. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    premade ARAMS before a match, best way to warm up
  5. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    you're a poopy-head
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  6. Thought there was a bit more maturity.

    Also it's funny when people use the Disagree Rating without actually following up with a post explaining why they disagree.
  7. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    I think the problem is that you just haven't clicked with us yet. There's isn't that much of a clear line at times, but we're mostly a group of guys who are more up for a laugh and improving our play while we're at it than actually playing agianst each other 100% seriously. It's a shame that you've been involved in some pretty tense game where that factor of our 5vs5 have been ignored, but I wouldn't say that the answer is just to quit. Perhaps it would be better to get to know us in normal 5vsrandom games before really jumping into 5vs5 with us, as that's not really getting across what we're like as a group.

    I know me and you have had our differences recently, but I don't think you should just stop playing with us. I just don't think you've managed to click with us on a personal level, which makes our already quite tense 5vs5 that much more heated because there's no element of "well I'm pissed at this guy whose feeding, but i'll happily play with him again afterwards".
  8. Fucking delete this useless thread plz.
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  9. I can have a laugh without playing 100 % serious. Really. But when a game gets so one-sided that it's lost within 10 minutes, then I am personally having a bad time. And it's not that I won't play with you guys ever again. I am just not participating in premade 5v5s.

    Please explain to me what makes this thread "Useless".
  10. Balancing teams is not very easy. You say that the team that won had the people that play with each other together regularly on it, but yesterday, for example, your team had Vexd/Falsey/Hellreaver/Skele all of whom are extreme regulars in our normal games and play almost daily together. We all know that just basing skill on wins doesn't always work either, so balancing with everyone at level 30 becomes a case of what people think is fair.

    In this case, everyone thought the teams were perfectly fair. Communication just broke down from the sounds of it. A few early kills hit the team morale hard, and it just became a bitchfest from there. I feel a few people may take the 5v5s a bit too seriously, and I'm not just zeroing in on you here Vipar. I think some people are trying to prove something and it's almost as if their reputation/ego is on the line, but it's difficult to account for people's attitudes when trying to balance a team.

    Either way, if you don't want to do the 5v5 premades, that's fine, feel free to just join in on the regular games we do. Ultimately for me these 5v5s are a way of us practicing for ranked games and getting a feel of who actually works well together, or who can't take the heat when they start losing.
  11. I know some who can't take the heat when they lose. I was on a team with one such person. He actually went as far, as to start assisting your team instead. I don't consider that fun in any way. I just wanted to have fun.
  12. Really? Do you really have the balls to blame me for trolling after three failed surrenders, after over half the team admitting to have given up completely AND people killing themselves on purpose while I was trying to farm my way back to usefulness?

    Do I blame Skele? No. He didn’t have much experience playing against Riven, and the fact that Riven’s early game is very strong coupled with the fact that Vlad’s early is his weakest point, and the fact that he kept trying his best throughout the laning phase makes me more than pleased with his performance. Did he get raped? Yes. Is he going to go into future games knowing not to underestimate Riven’s early game? Yes. And what did he lose from it? Nothing at all. In 10 matches the game will be gone from his match history and it will have never existed, but he would have become all the wiser. I couldn’t gank top, because by the time I got there Riven was always too far back or Vlad was dead. Still, I fail to see how your direct insults to Skele were of any use.

    Was I annoyed that LeBlanc got banned over Kassadin, meaning that your job is made easier instead of having to counter pick, and making mine all the harder? Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to gank a Kassadin with flash? Still, after the banning phase was over, nothing I could do, so I stayed quiet.

    So, I said, I can always gank bot. I mean, half the enemy team that are laning are in bot, and shutting down the support and AD carry means that the team has severely less in terms of damage and utility, and to a lesser extent tankiness if the enemy support was tanky (forgot who was supporting). But even that was shut down, because the enemy lane was always warded. No matter, I’ll go from the back, but I saw Shyvana coming in, so I told Casey and Vexd bot to quickly get ready. Vexd said yeah, and I ask Falsey if he’s ready, but he’s been talking about something else. I ask him again, and he healed Vexd so I assumed he was ready. I turned around to attack Shyvana in the tribrush and Vexd starts to follow but then I’m left there to die 3v1. So yes, afterwards, when Casey FINALLY buys a pink ward but them dumps it well away from where bobo had his, I snapped, because I had told him to put it in the bush. I couldn’t gank anywhere at all. Top was raped, Kassadin was ungankable and the only place that was possibly gankable, the support didn’t ward right. So yes, I got mad, but I kept farming, long after people kept killing themselves.

    Still, after the game, Casey and I agreed, after the game that I overreacted and he should have warded better. We’re still good friends. I think he’s a twat and he thinks I’m a cunt, we’re probably both right, but we don’t let it carry on out of League of Legends longer than 20 minutes. Hell, we’re chatting right now.

    And to be honest, I hope that when you were saying that I couldn’t take the heat of the loss, that you were kidding. I accepted it, and made fun of it. I helped them take Baron, helped them take Blue buff and I finished the game laughing tears whilst you ragequit mumble and called everybody a fucking idiot. Considering that there are 3 other previous games where this had happened to you, I think you should look at the common factor here.

    And to duke, I don’t really care about my reputation. I’ve played this game long enough to know that I’m a good solotop, jungler and support. (maybe solotop not so much since everybody calls dibs on solotop nowadays and I haven’t had much time to practice). I know I’m only an average mid since I don’t play it much and a shit AD carry because I find the role boring, and I accept that. I’m fine with being able to play three of the five roles reliably. The thing that really pisses me off is that almost every game I walk to I get used as an excuse. I cringe to myself EVERY time I hear people say “Hell’s playing Taric, we’re gonna win this.” or “Well, I’m really struggling but at least Olaf’s doing well.” Or “YAY! BATTLE TARIC!”

    Battle Taric.

    Oh, fuck me.

    I play support. And I do well enough. But it’s a VERY scary thought going into a game as a champion that’s DESIGNED to be only slightly combat effective and knowing your team expects you to obliterate everything whilst still trying to ward the map and get aura items to keep everybody buffed up, like what a support should be doing. It’s why I adopted Ryze support, so I could at least keep your guys’ expectations in easy reach.

    In every champion select people bitch about me and duke being on different teams because apparently we’re that good at this game. I have news for you: we’re fucking not. We’re the best junglers (even though Skele is, but he’s never mentioned for some reason), just like Blue is one of the best AD carries, Bobo is one of the best supports, and Mr_jlbk is one of the best mids, and so we’re always forced onto different teams and into the jungle. I try to be on Skele’s team (when he’s actually in the game) or Duke’s so that I can play something other than jungle and have fun, but that’s denied to be every game because apparently me on duke or skele’s team is too OP so I’m yanked around the teams like a goddamn puppet and forced into roles because apparently nobody considers the fact that I want to have fun for once and play something other than jungle, because I only get to do that when we play normal games and duke or skele happen to be on my team.

    And before any of you mention, yesterday was an exception where I chose to jungle. They banned Udyr instead of Olaf, which I was very thankful for, because they had a very tanky team and Olaf’s true damage would rape. But that didn’t turn out very well since I couldn’t gank anywhere and therefore got underfed.

    Because, at this point, if people that are doing badly (and I am in no way referring to yesterday’s game) and then expect me or some other person to completely carry under stupidly ridiculous circumstances, I’m not joining the ranked team.
  13. Every gank won't end in a kill. If you had attacked mid (which you had plenty of opportunities to do given I was pushed almost the entire game) you could have pushed Kassadin away, giving me the chance to farm more, and end up with a stronger Zyra. Yes I got pissed at you when you think it's a great idea to troll like that at the end of the game, when we finally have a chance of surrendering.

    And you wanna know the problem? You and Falsey on the same team. You seem to be unable to communicate, and within 10 minutes of the game, we've lost because the other team gets a kill or two, completely breaking your morale. Then you turn to rage instead. That's what happens.

    Also, you had the chance to pick a role yesterday. You are not really telling the whole truth in that regard. We asked you, and you answered with:
    "I'll take what's left". What was left? Jungling.

    I didn't throw insults at Skele. I was questioning why he played so aggressively, and didn't hug his tower more. Hell you even questioned it yourself later when he dived at mid against two champs, without even having half his HP.
  15. The first time I played with you, you went Olaf jungle too, and still blamed the entire team for our loss. Like having Deja Vu.
  16. That's funny, because I haven't played Olaf over Udyr or Xin Zhao in a LOT of time, and the only time I get into a bitch fight it's with Casey, and it ends almost abruptly.

    Still, if you want to be an asshole, I can be too. That was the general idea on the last gaming community you were in, from what you told me.

    You were annoying to me from the very start when you joined the mumble server and seemed to latch onto me and talk to nobody but me all the time no matter what I was doing until I just had to ignore you until you just went away. Still, I didn't say anything against you because you didn't look like a bad guy, just a slightly clingy one who had just left a group of friends for another, so I just held my mouth shut. Still, I'd keep looking at the common factor in your troubles - you.

    I'm done with this conversation.
  17. I am not trying to be an asshole. I stated an opinion in my thread, and then duke went into more details, which I didn't really want to because there was no reason to.

    But from what you are saying it's never your fault when you jungle, and the team lose. It's everybody else who are at fault.
  18. If there's no reason to go into more detail then Vexd's post is correct, this is a waste of time and we can just have it closed. I can go ask a manager right now to get this closed up and we can move on.
  19. Don't put words into my mouth. It was you who insulted Skele, and the rest of the team was there to witness it. You also apprently expect me to still do well as jungle when the only gankable lane was open for about 4 minutes in the laning phase and once the laning phase ended I had three people rampaging through my jungle and nobody bothered to help.

    Also, considering that you've automatically assumed that you were the victim in all four of the GM games, it's funny how you accuse me of blaming the teams when I wasn't in three of them. Once again, common factor.

    Do me a favour and do that.
  20. You were in three of them.
  21. It's the first time I've been on your team. You say that you lost all three games. That means I flame my team for winning.

  22. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Just a quick word, if counter picking makes playing difficult for you, it's a sign that you need to learn more champions. It's actually forcing you to learn.

    edit: I actually meant to talk about being banned rather than counter picked, but I think you got what I intended to say
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  23. I was not the one banning champions. The possible counter picks I could do, were limited.
    Also, I don't know what the other team plays regularly, so counter picking gets even harder. Another thing was also that I was counter picked because their mid, picked last. Thanks for pointing that out though.
  24. nlspeed Rex Omnium Imperarum

    Another note; it's highly silly to 'blame' someone for losing when you're all trying to win. You play as a team, you win as a team, you lose as a team.

    It doesn't matter who was worse and who was better, you're still a team in the end, and everyone can improve, so nobody can really be blamed unless he or she was trolling / griefing / whatever is appropriate.
  25. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    sorry speed, but i think this thread has escalated to something bigger than that.
  26. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    fapr pls

    u smel rely bhd
  27. Rioter Mad man box wearing lunatic for President

    Grow up Casey. You're not contributing.
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  28. Neither is your post, or this post... mind = blown.

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