Classless Update - Day 2

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by TF2 News, 13 Aug 2009.

  1. TF2 News Probably several years late

    Classless Update - Day 2

    The Classless Update continues to class up the joint with some previews, including a brand new game mode and some retooled classic maps. Check it out, then fire back on the forums.

  2. Re: Classless Update - Day 2

    Bit late there
  3. Re: Classless Update - Day 2

    RSS Bot is slow (slower than normal)
  4. BeauChaotica bodyshot noob

    Re: Classless Update - Day 2

    I don't like the look of that "Still free" sticker...

    I fear it will change its message quite dramatically.
  5. Reag My name is an anagram for a reason

    Re: Classless Update - Day 2

    We will see.
  6. Geit Coding wizard!

    Re: Classless Update - Day 2

    The RSS Bot only checks the tf2 site once a-day, hence its perfect posting time.

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