
Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by loll, 11 Jul 2012.

  1. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    It was a roundabout way of saying "please don't let it be a 32 player server" :P
  2. the biggest issue with orange optimisation wise (seriously fuck framerates, who cares) is the bandwidth usage - it's something absurd like 10mbit when full
  3. loll Master Exploder

    It is made for 24 maxplayers.
    When I opened it in hammer, I was like HOLY MOTHER OF MERCY WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? It is a very poorly made map, full of bugs and stupid stuff, it's a nightmare to edit aswell, and probably the bugs causing most of that bandwith usage.
  4. Cactus The key is to never give up

    When you open hammer, it crashes.
  5. Day

    24 man! YES! Orange is so much better at 24 and 24 or 18 is the best<3
  6. loll Master Exploder

    Good news everyone: Sent alpha v6.9 (69 eheh) bsp to Dark, now just hope for the best and EVERYONE KEEP POKING DARK UNTIL HE PUTS IT ONLINE CUZ HES THE LAZIEST PERSON EVER
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  7. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    loll was killed mid-sentence
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  8. loll Master Exploder

    I gave dark the dropbox link he wanted, now we just wait.
  9. #9
  10. NomNom Chompski BURNING LOVEEEE

    Any change of the updated x3 being on the server?:p
  11. loll Master Exploder

    Your map maps\cp_orangebowl_b7 differs from the server.... :c
  12. Cactus The key is to never give up

    The problem with orange bowl are some of the roofs you can camp on. I recommend not allowing players on them (with clips) or having some crates on them. I also find it quite hard to actually find a good spot for a sentry as soldiers can always seem to pick therm off from a long way away.
  13. Subv You ain't even lord of your yard

    today i played(with loll) the new "orangebowl"and i loved it it was awesome it was more fun to play cause there's more places to move around!

    this map gives more people do what they love the "trolldiers"on orange have shit ton of place to jump around and the spy have good places to hide and come from behind great map loved it.
  14. loll Master Exploder

    There are quite a lot actually, just need a little exploring there is one which blocks the entire spawn of the enemy team and one on the tower's side ONLY can be taken down from that 'roof' you mentioned.
    I think the first stage is well balanced. But the second one still needs some changes.

    To do list:
    a6.9(7rc) -> a7
    Stage 1
    - Attacker's spawn:
    - Add a third door on top of the spawn thus fixing 'camping on roof' and makes demos on defense less op.
    - Def spawn 2 (tower):
    - Add a second (or maybe a third) door (maybe inside the tower) because it's easily camped by the attackers.
    - Fix weird outer walls by placing fences+clip instead of skybox and put the skybox back.(orange_x3 style)
    - Lower the cap time for the Tower.
    - Add more props
    - Add 'spectator' and 'starting' cameras
    Stage 2
    - Add nobuild zone underwater preventing to build there.
    - Def spawn 1 (bridge):
    - Add an extra door and remove the 'useless griefing garden'
    - Remove the weird 'triple-window' and add a balcony thingy there and lenghten the other and make stairs down to the water, to get more places to get out of water.
    - Same on the other side of the water.
    - Def spawn 2 (door):
    - Add one (or two) extra door(s)
    - Fix weird outer walls by placing fences+clip instead of skybox and put the skybox back.(orange_x3 style)
    - Add more props
    - Add 'spectator' and 'starting' cameras

    If you have something to add or you don't like one of these changes please comment below.

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  15. nlspeed Rex Omnium Imperarum


    In all seriousity, good list. Although Lambda likes your skybox. :P
  16. Langers http://bit.ly/IqT6zt

    Could you perhaps widen the back walkway of the tower up around the back, otherwise it would be literally a shooting gallery for demos and Sentries as it is so narrow. If it were wider it would be easier to deal with a sentry, otherwise it would become a ridiculous chokepoint. I think the sides of the water could be slightly less steep.
  17. nlspeed Rex Omnium Imperarum

    Yeah, about that, I think you should be able to walk on the grey walls next to the water. And going out of the water is very weird, like, you make some sort of weird jump.

    But I (literally!) told you that already. :P
  18. ima Bean Go ham or go home.

    If you just fix the GODDAMN FAKE DOORS and the weird little dead-end room thing in the spawn(for the snipers i guess?). I'm content, once again, awesome map :D
  19. Langers http://bit.ly/IqT6zt

    The map is truly superb, and frankly the fact that it needs such small improvements to be a working and enjoyable are symbolic of its magnificent quality. I think a limit of 26-28 would be enough as otherwise it would get FAR too congested, 24 would really be sufficient. Thank you very much for creating such a fine map, I do hope it becomes a permanent fixture.
  20. loll Master Exploder

    I'll maybe consider this one, but if no one else suggests it probably not going to happen.
    Why not?
    This is why.

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