GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by Overdrive, 11 Mar 2009.



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  1. GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    as you may be aware there is a clan war vs HH soon
    it brought back some memories... and provided an idea =D

    GM used to hold an internal 32 man match every monday, or atleast one day, of the week which would go on throughout the night. Its been awhile since GM has really played together out of all the members there are and the community.
    hope to reignite a certain something for many people on the GM servers and tf2

    This was one of the attractions why i wanted to join GM because of its close community, and playing with more than 10+ members at a time and generally getting to no everyone better. it really was great fun

    - no class specifics / srsbsns
    - all talk chatty chatty
    - map variations
    - nothing to worry about. chill. relax. enjoy.

    everyone is going through alot in their lives atm, where it be study or personal matters, and sometimes you just need a break during this busy part of the year =) i no i do
    anyone is welcome and if there is enough interest it may span through 2 servers!? unless... we can get like a 100 man server omgwtfbbq =P that would be legendary

    would just like to no if you are generally interested in weekly events like this. if so, thoughts/ideas please as this is as much for you as it is for us =)
    greatly appreciated to no preferable times if possible =)
    if this goes through itll take place in about 2 weeks or easter and hopefully continue as a weekly event unless stated otherwise

    itss been too long... =) thanx


    EDIT: if possible members post times in here so it is one collective mass =P
  2. Geit Coding wizard!

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    I remember those, they were some pretty epic battles, even if they were spam-fests, I did have a plan to reintroduce them but i gave-up on it due to lack of support.

    WE can run a 100 slot server, the clients can't connect to one, some weird tf2 engine limitation.
  3. Obaruler German Rager/Spamer

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    GM Spam fests ... why not ? :mrgreen:
  4. Ash

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    This sounds like a usual night on the dustbowl server though? xD why would we need to plan this? just go on the server xD
  5. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    The point was that it was always other maps.
  6. Ash

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    Ah I see ;p
  7. Th-

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    Plus that its all regulars and private community members, which means that everybody knows everybody. I'm actually looking forward to this, keep us up to date about your plans Overdrive
  8. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    the point of this event is basically...

    -a large reunion, out of the 50+ members how many do you see?
    -a social, everyone can get to know everyone
    -bring back a flare that GM once had that brought many players together, seeing the servers not full is really awkward imo =P
    it could be because tf2 is reaching its limit or its just a bad time in the year. either way something is missing
    -a place to get your mind off things. have fun without a care in the world =)

    -introduction to maps other than dustbowl =P
    -class specifics, tactics, teamplay... i could care less about =P just have a frickin awesome time
    -srsbsns? whatzor iz thatzor? i wantzor to powzor and boinkzor

    The main reason why many people joined this Clan/Community was to have fun and the people. If you have seen a server full of GMs you will know what i am talking about =) screenshots anyone? my folder has dissapeared...

    Just a few ideas atm (please feel free to express yourself, this is for you as much as it is for us so yea =):
    - start: early evening. end: midnight or wenever
    - faster respawns
    - no engis
    - official and fun maps (downloads may cause some problems tho?)
    - single class rounds
    - melee rounds
    - limit of 2 rounds(one attack/one defend for each side, map rotation to keep things flowing)
    - drinking rounds(donno got a drink atm, as stupid an idea it sounds lol. 1 shot per death xD)

    Anyone is welcome, just checking for numbers and ideas here... cant plan it atm due to personal things but this will happen. danke =)
  9. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    Great idea I'd love to do this


    - 100% crit only round :lol:

    For the date/time I suggest in the weekend or Friday starting at 6.00pm GMT till whatever... Midnight?
  10. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    i'm in

    >> no engies

    how about a round with ONLY engies? XD
  11. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    D-man I have thing to say of that: NOoooo

  12. The Xtractor Certified Weeaboo

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    that wouldn't be fair for the attackers.
    maybe this : defending only engies. attacking only spy :).
  13. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    There is one thing I know for sure, and that is D-Man will insist that crits are left on :lol:
  14. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    Awesome Overdrive :D

    Never had a chance to see one of these. Sounds fun.

    Well up for playing with everyone as im sure there are still plenty I havnt played with yet. No innuendo's please.

  15. The Xtractor Certified Weeaboo

    Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    sounds like an great idea man.
    i love mic spam chatting ;).
  16. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    We tried that a while back - the night of epic sandvich eating. Trying to attack DB stage 3 with only engies, some interesting stuff going on ;p Never thought i'd see 16 engies trying to build a 'dispenser wall' so they could make it to the first point :lol: :lol:
  17. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    aye was truely an epic night. donno how it started tho, twas a really random moment. think sandy piss fromage bunny just started a sandvich fest at spawn - then the mayhem continued from then on xD GUUD TIMEZ
    Engination round... wasnt that when the doors got stuck and we discovered... RAGDOLL SUICIDE? :P

    anyone got any screenies of that night?... screenshots folder has dissapeared =(

    keep them ideas coming =) wont be able to plan and sort this out until nxt week due to personal matters... so.. piss... since ur leader u can take over right? =P after all im just a mascot
  18. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    Da, ze sandman has invented zis. My favourite invention :D
    Me and Pith in fits of laughter at sending our demoman's ragdolls soaring through the sky at high velocity over the fences, and landing with the grace of a swan on the top of a mountain/moving train/enemy player/sentry gun. Good times. >1,000 suicides ftw.
  19. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    I've still got a demo of that night... 3 hours and about 500 suicides ;p Guuuuud times! The one over 2nd stage 2nd point defence DB is best. Sticky-jump over the middle onto the ledge, epic stuff.
  20. Re: GM internal... donno why i just found that funny =P

    Funny how the clipping (noclip) changes for your ragdoll compared to your normal player. Most of the invisible barriers don't stop the hurtling ragdoll! :D

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