Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

Discussion in 'Server/Website Chat' started by DevFred, 2 May 2008.

  1. Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    Hi there, time for some feedback I'd like to give you guys!

    Great Dustbowl 24/7 server! Keep it like this and I will always come and play on there when I feel like playing Dustbowl.

    However there are a few suggestions I have in mind:
    1. Make it so that when blue players are dead, and waiting for respawn, can't see red guys! And of course same for red guys being able to see blue guys during dead. Please do this, this is something critical for me.

    2. Please consider sv_pure 2 on your server (no custom stuff). Right now without sv_pure 2 people are able to use custom wall textures to see through walls, use footstep sounds that increase footstep noise and use bright skins to spot enemies better (and even more stuff).

    3. As you got a cheater reporting system involving typing status in the console and recording a demo, why not enable SteamBans and actively contribute as GamingMasters on there? All you need to do is pass on that demo to SteamBans and you can earn points and reputation for submitting cheaters, and you can run SteamBans on your server for even better protection!

    I hope you will consider all these features, I think I'd never consider another Dustbowl 24/7 in my life in that case :).
  2. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    Hi DevFred,

    I was going to ask for that as well! good point. especially when you play spy, this can be annoying.

    Point 2: didn't knew about that, but sounds important to me too. About Point 3 i don't have any opinion ;)
  3. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    Yeah about the sv_pure 2, many people don't realize this. I didn't realize this until some while ago I was running my own CSS surf server and somebody noted it out.

    It was kind of shocking to me to see all the stuff that was possible on sv_pure 0 server (wall hacking, etc...) and VAC won't do anything as the server allows custom content (and it can't tell the different between good custom content and custom content to gain advantage with).

    Watch this video. There used to be a time where there wasn't sv_pure 2 available, this video noted out that it was really wanted out there:

    This video shows all the things I mentioned: wallhacking, bright skins and loud footsteps.
    What is happening in this video, is possible on the GamingMasters' servers and it's very difficult (nearly not possible) to spot out.

    So for this to be fixed the server would add:
    sv_pure 2
    sv_consistency 1

    To the server.cfg.
  4. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    hell yeah, that really should be fixed!
    But I'm the wrong person do decide this.

    I trust our admins to make the right choice!
  5. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    who the heck wants to play like this?
    that's just ridiculous...
  6. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    I know, but it's being done in great amounts. Some people don't care for the quality (which is difficult to understand for people like you and me ;p).

    But I hope that video convinces GamingMasters enough to fix at least issue one and issue two that I've mentioned in the first thread.
  7. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...


    sv_pure 2
    sv_consistency 1
    to all server configs - as soon as each one empties I will restart it to apply changes. Thanks for pointing that out :o

    I'm too lazy to look it up... anyone know the command for this?
  8. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    HELL NO, NO SV_PURE 2!!!
    sry for this, but since i have the german version, i only see black squares then, this will make me play on another serv. Really.
    sv_pure 1 is ok, but WITH WHITELIST. PLEASE.
  9. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    I believe it was mp_forcecamera 1.

    Make sure you also add the following:
    sv_pure_kick_clients "0"

    This will not kick people that have custom files, instead, it will disable all their custom files.

    I haven't paid attention to it, but also make sure sv_alltalk 0 is enabled, I don't want the other team to hear my team instructions ;).

    So basically because you're having issues with the normal models this server should disable it so wallhacking/bright skins/loud footstep is possible as in the video I presented?
  10. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    If you can provide me with a whitelist then I'll add it.

    Added all those lines now :)
  11. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    see, the *german* version has some nice gibs, as Acid pointed out here:
    pic: ... v_gib1.jpg
    i'm only talking of putting the "gibs" and "blood" files into the whitelist, hell, you can even do a CRC. I don't care about the nice suit my spy has or the sniper rifle, even if they look way better. But not sv_pure 2.

    edit: ok then, i'm gonna spend the whole evening for this, but at least i have it then MAH WAY ;-)
    Last edited by a moderator: 27 Nov 2013
  12. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    White listing would just make it possible again. You can't white list "per particular custom file", but per category file. So if you would white list "player model" files, good custom models as well as bright skin models would be possible again (this is what I dislike about white listing, it doesn't allow you to set aside bad advantage files from good general custom files).

    Now for blood and gib files I could agree. As long as wall/player model/sound files aren't white listed I'm happy (and other files like this that could allow huge advantage).

    I don't see how you could customize blood and gib models so much that it would be an advantage, so I agree on white listing those.
  13. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    orly ;-)

    // Three types of file specifications:
    // 1. directory\*.* - refers to all files under the directory
    // 2. directory\... - refers to all files under the directory and all directories under that (recursively)
    // 3. directory\filename - refers to a single file

    "If you set sv_pure to 2, then the server will not even load the pure_server_whitelist.txt file. Instead, it will apply the from_steam attribute to all materials, models, and sounds. This can be useful for competitive matches where one team is hosting the game. The team who is not hosting the game can look in their console at round start and see which sv_pure mode the server is using. If the server is using sv_pure 2, then the non-hosting team can know that the players on the hosting team are not using custom content."
    so for matches it's ok for me.

    edit: dont get me wrong, i like cheat-free servers, really. But *i want my gibs* ;-)
    but sv_pure 2 is too hard, since i WILL provide a whitelist with only the gib/blood files.

    edit2: made a whitelist, attachment.
  14. Bun

    Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    No more custom skins? =(
  15. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    Yeah sorry, but allowing custom skins means people could have glowing white skins, which would really make things unfair.

    Anyway I added waebi's pure_server_whitelist.txt (it goes in tf/cfg, right?) and set sv_pure to 1 again. sv_consistency 1 and sv_pure_kick_clients "0" are still applied.
  16. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    nah, as i said, it goes into "<TF_DIRECTORY>\orangebox\hl2"
    this is the parent folder where "tf" is in.

    Attached Files:

    • how.JPG
      File size:
      68.7 KB
  17. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    OK I've installed the pure_server_whitelist.txt to all 3 servers - it should apply on the next restart.

    I have decided to continue to allow custom skins for now :D
  18. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    you know that it indeed *is* a problem :P
    what did you add to the whitelist?
  19. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    OK fine, I removed the custom skins :)

    	// 3 modifiers are allowed on file specifications:
    	//	from_steam			- only check the Steam cache for the file (ignore anything on disk)
    	//	allow_from_disk		- allow the file to come from disk
    	//	check_crc			- used with allow_from_disk - server does CRC checks on the client's file to make sure it matches
    	//	The default modifier on all files is allow_from_disk. Thus, all files can come from disk and don't need CRC checks unless 
    	//	allow_from_disk can be set at the same time as check_crc. Use the + character in between them to signify this: allow_from_disk+check_crc.
    	// Three types of file specifications:
    	//	1. directory\*.*			- refers to all files under the directory
    	//	2. directory\...			- refers to all files under the directory and all directories under that (recursively)
    	//	3. directory\filename		- refers to a single file
    	// By default, when in pure server mode, most content file types are only allowed to come from Steam.
    	materials\...		from_steam
    	models\...			from_steam
    	sound\...			from_steam
    	// Allow custom player models. Don't do CRC checks on them because the clients may all
    	// have different custom models and the server won't have them all.
    	//models\player\...			allow_from_disk
    	//materials\models\player\...	allow_from_disk
    	// Allow custom spray decals.
    	materials\temp\...			allow_from_disk
    	materials\vgui\logos\...	allow_from_disk
    	materials\vgui\logos\ui\...	allow_from_disk
    	// (Uncomment and edit these for mods).
    	// Allow mod resources to come from disk.
    	// materials\mymod\...		allow_from_disk+check_crc
    	// models\mymod\...			allow_from_disk+check_crc
    	// sound\mymod\...			allow_from_disk+check_crc
    	//blood files
    	materials\decals\flesh\*.* 			allow_from_disk
    	materials\decals\Blood2.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\decals\Blood3.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\decals\Blood4.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\decals\Blood5.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\decals\Blood6.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\decals\Decals_Mod2x.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	//gibs, ONLY gibs, srsly.
    	materials\models\player\demo\demoman_blue_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\demo\demoman_red_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\engineer\engineer_blue_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\engineer\engineer_red_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\hvyweapon\hvyweapon_blue_gib.vtf	allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\hvyweapon\hvyweapon_red_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\medic\medic_blue_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\medic\medic_red_gib.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\pyro\pyro_blue_gib.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\pyro\pyro_red_gib.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\scout\scout_blue_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\scout\scout_red_gib.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\sniper\sniper_blue_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\sniper\sniper_red_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\soldier\soldier_blue_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\soldier\soldier_red_gib.vtf		allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\spy\spy_blue_gib.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	materials\models\player\spy\spy_red_gib.vtf			allow_from_disk
    	//the funny ones, dunno if needed
    	materials\models\Gibs\funnyGibs01.vtf				allow_from_disk
    	//particle file
    	materials\particle\blood1					allow_from_disk
  20. Re: Great server, I've even put in my favorites, however...

    Good job on fixing it guys ;), really shows the dedication and the swift reaction when problems are being brought to the attention.

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