hello :3

Discussion in 'Welcome Wagon' started by Slenderx55, 22 Feb 2015.

  1. Slenderx55 Ifeelikecrepe

    So... i already signed up a year ago or so for a starbound server and chose the stupidest username for my steam account.
    -_- i'm trapped with it like a tumor and i've invested in this account.
    Anywho, after a while i find "gamingmasters" in my server list and realisation b*tch-slapped my face(for the better)

    I usually go by "Ifeelikecrepe" and occasionally refer to others similar to that of a paedofile
    (also i'm an extreme introvert and this kindof acts as a fake persona, plz be gentle with me....or not)
  2. Hi there friend

    You can change your steam name for free you know
  3. HellJack A message was delivered, and received.

    Howdy do, crepe face.

    Welcome to the forums.
  4. nlspeed Rex Omnium Imperarum

    Hello weirdo! Enjoy your stay - and no worries, you're the normal one here.
  5. Everyone's normal compared to you.

    And Hi
  6. Welcome :)
  7. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    hey welcome
  8. Welcome to the forums!
  9. cyBing :3 Lord of Pizza - cyBing

    Well, I haven't stopped by for a while, but I thought I might come back again. You'll love it here, welcome!

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