League of Legends Megathread

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Kiethy, 26 Apr 2012.

  1. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    He's probably one of the most broken champs in the game, he can lane against everyone and do totally fine. There is no reason to lose lane on Jayce, he's got no bad match ups at the minute. He's got face roll match ups and hard match ups, but no real counters. Champs like Irelia do very well against him, but a smart Jayce can outplay their mobility with his own, that mobility nerf will hurt him against champs like Irelia the most. It's not that bad though. He'll still be very good, just require more skill to play to the same level.
  2. I'm going to agree with you 100% on this one. I don't have trouble against anyone with Jayce. Once i've completely my blade and manamune my W (cannon form) just does tremendous amounts of damage to the point that the enemy is forced to back off, regardless of what role & champ they're playing.
  3. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    A very popular build, and probably the best one, is the 20 minute muramana rush. You get like muramana + bruta and you just absolutely destroy whoever tries to fight you. It's such a ridiculous power spike at 20 minutes that no one can deal with you.

    I guess that's why the nerfs are targeted towards the stacking of the manamune.
  4. riot please go die in a fire
  5. Infernal Dragon I love people very much.. with ketchup

    Explain pls

    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Dec 2016
  6. Vallun I don't take drugs I just take naps.

    are they being fucking serious...
  7. It did break out a lot of havoc when you are told you run the game on a toaster or you should stop downloading porn.

    I guess higher up (or even lower down) it turns into flamming?
  8. Vallun I don't take drugs I just take naps.

    How does jokingly saying to someone they play on a toaster cause havoc? It's a joke ffs.
  9. I know it's a joke. I am trying to question Riots decision making.
  10. I've recently started dropping the bruta until later on, if at all.
    I usually start with charm pots ward
    First back : tear and vamp (+ boots if i've got an early kill in)
    Second back : finish off blade
    Third back : finish off boots and start to work towards manamune
  11. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    Optimal build is, charm + pots, dorans + tear, bruta, muramana, CDR boots, last whisper, black cleaver, BT, GA.

    Of course most of those are situational, if you're against a low armour target like Orianna and she grabs Ninja Tabi, you want your LW before bruta.

    Your build is fine though, but could do with more armour pen because of the nature of Jayce as a champ, he's an AD caster. They naturally fall off late game, so people build a lot of arpen to counter act this, sort of like Urgot.

    Blade is also fine instead of BT, but the early dorans + tear is essential. Like I cannot stress it enough. You can lose if you don't buy it.
  12. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    I am watching a stream where a guy is playing lucien on PBE. He is building him ap and he has these items: dorans blade, nashor's, rabadon's, lich bane, magic pen boots.

    His ult does 4800 damage if everything hits, his w does a load of damage (0.8scaling) as well has his auto attacks.

    Here is a nice video of Lucien
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  14. Vallun I don't take drugs I just take naps.

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  16. Dan Chief Detective at GM Police HQ - Jagex #1 Fan!

    Sounds like a bit of gimmick, a bit like AP Trist.
  17. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    That is the reason why they are not going to nerf it yet.
  18. Humpers GM's Resident #420 Twatmeister General

    With Blitzwag too :D
  19. I like Lucian. I like the idea of a highly mobile dude with some interesting possibilities and a fun ulti. His weapons sound awesome when they fire as well - it's the little touches.

    His ulti shoots more bullets the higher your attack speed so you get this:

    Certainly a possible gimmick again, but it'll be fun to see what people come up with as a result.

    Edit: and I like sexy black dudes
  20. Looooooooooool
    Dat ulti.
  21. Just had a game where our Cassiopeia connected to champions select when it was her turn to pick... she was fourth pick. Then during loading she crashed, came back 10 minutes in then repeatedly disconnected and reconnected in base throughout the game.

    Yeah... that puts me out of the mood.
  22. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    should've carried that shit noob
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