Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Disco_Indigo, 23 Sep 2008.

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  1. Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    I have just found out that GM leaders can and ARE reading our PM messages we send to other clan members.

    I have found out today that ******** (I have decided to edit my own post and blank their name, I dont need to put their name on as i'm not that nasty) has read my personnal message to another member, and when i asked them why they did this this was their response :-

    ***** curiosity i guess, i stumbled across that PM
    ***** and since the Brawl fiasco
    ***** I tend to check what is going on
    ***** just in case
    [GM'F] Disco_indigo: really.....
    [GM'F] Disco_indigo: dont make feeble excuses ******

    This is a huge infringement of our privacy and another abuse of admin power!!

    I am extremely disappointed in you *****, I thought we were good friends and now I feel completely betrayed by your trust. You have been a good leader/deputy etc. of GM and have been level headed in the past, but you have really let yourself down. I just hope this sort of thing isn't a common practice with the other leaders...

    Other admin abuses which have bothered me such as changing Hlstats and noclip invul etc, has beeen eating away at the trust I had.

    As of this moment I am leaving the GM clan

    If I am not banned off the GM servers !! I hope to see you all in game soon. I really hope the recruitment system is sorted out. If it is then the GM clan will be one of the best in the country and be full of good people to know and have a laugh with :)

    I know I am probably writing this post in anger and will feel terrible regret and loss tomorrow, but I don't feel I can be part of a clan where its members are treated disrespectfully and expected to put up with it. If things change then I would love to come back one day :)
  2. eoN

    Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Hes got a point :roll:
  3. Vacoy some sort of fucking fish

    Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Now this is pissing me off. wtf is this? a ghetto?
    Great job guys, you fucked it up REAL good this time.
    not talking to any1 of you, and not playing gm servers for a week, you really did ur best this time.

  4. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Leaders have full access to the database, and the PMs are stored in plaintext, so it is pretty easy to read someone's PMs.

    I do feel it is an invasion of privacy to read these, but for private private messages, perhaps email is a better option.

    Also, if I was ever working on the privmsg database table for whatever reason I would hide/ignore the message body column.

    I guess to keep up the confidentiality, I better make it clear that I am not saying as to whether I was the one who did this or not. ;)

    Also, the person that did do it (which might be me...) will absolutely never do it again. I'll even set up a strong encryption system for the PM database if I have to.

    So, Disco, I hope you reconsider leaving GM and remember that we will always have a place for you should you decide to return :)
  5. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Now that Nomad is quite silent (due to personal reasons), and Disco left the clan, we somehow lost 2 of our most precious and mature voices in [GM].
    I'm feeling really really sad about this.

    Bye Disco,
    I wish you the best.
  6. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    There was me thinking you only came here to troll Disco.... If you have nothing constructive to say then don't say anything.

    Disco, i'm really sorry that you feel you have to leave the clan, although I completly understand your reasons for doing so :/ Please stick around the servers and keep on playing - you're one of the people which make this clan a fun place to be :x
  7. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Posting that video was very distasteful considering the time and effort Disco has put in to making the GM public servers a fun place to play - I do not appreciate you taking the piss out of what is a very unfortunate and sad day :/
  8. Vacoy some sort of fucking fish

    Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Oh shut up, you really feel like the master don't you?
    shut up, everyone can be replaced.
    you are working on almost everyone nerves, so just do us a favour, and shut up for the rest of you miserable life
  9. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Please don't exaggerate or take offense - I was just pointing out that it was in poor taste considering Disco's popularity and hard work in keeping the servers full of people wanting to play TEAM Fortress. Apologies if you took my comment the wrong way - I did not say you were a backstabber, or a dickhead, however some discretion would be nice when commenting in this topic.
  10. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    come on ppl if u need to fight do it somewhere else yea?

    damn thats a shame disco always admired u and ur popping skills ^^ 1st nite playing with u was prob 1 of the influences i had to join GM as it seemed great fun and skilled. stick around the servers man cos nights wont be the same wifout u and maybe c u again in GM soon =D

    disco disco huh huh! *for those who have seen Dont mess with the Zohan'*
  11. eoN

    Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Vacoy if you want to whine about tricky do it somewhere else.
  12. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    oh no!

    Spotted. Disco gets the point. Enough guys. Deal with it personally on steam or whereever.

    See you around disco on teh server. ;)
  13. BeauChaotica bodyshot noob

    Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    I can't believe I'm reading this...Tricky when the hell did you get so nasty? What's happened guys? GM was a nice place to be when I joined but now it seems like it's all just one big flamepit.

    Disco you know what I've got to say about all this, so I'll restrain myself and say I'm sad to see you go. Everyone just...take a step back and think how stupid it is to get worked up about it. :| I dunno.
  14. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    All I can say is... What a great birthday present this has all turned out to be D:

    Last edited: 27 Nov 2013
  15. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    I will disable the cheat plugin(s) on all servers. I've had enough of cheating tbh - it's no fun any more :P
  16. BeauChaotica bodyshot noob

    Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    That's what I mean, Tricky; don't rise to it. Calling people noobs and making personal attacks isn't achieving anything.

    @Darki...this is more or less what I was whining about with alpha. The fact that the defence is, at best, feeble, the punishment is non-existent and the solution is just to laugh it off and not do it again. It seems to me that there is a distinct lack of inherent moral judgement, and an equally distinct presence of double-standards. I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh... :?
  17. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    Sad to see you guy Disco, you always seemed to be a voice of reason in the Clan. Glad to hear you plan to stay active on the servers though, it wouldn't be the same without ya.
  18. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    thats sad, but tricky is right about vacoy thb
  19. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    To the GM members who have contacted me and said they are or seriously thinking about leaving GM DON'T!! This is an excellent clan with a good diversity of people with different ideas and goals, who are on the whole good to each other.

    Unfortunately I have to "pop off" to work now, but I will make an annoncement tonight which I hope will be seen as reasonable to all and make you feel happier and more part of this clan. So I hope you some of you will at least wait till then before any rash decisions are made.


    ps to all the players that sent me a convo last night I was touched by what you guys said - thankyou :)
  20. Re: Personnal Messages and how they are not personnal !!!

    man wtf is going on Oo

    can we trust noone? that is what I said in my post Oo

    some people know I already wanted to leave at the alpha disaster.

    but I love this clan, it is really great, and it hurts me to see how it slowly crashes...

    wtf I am very disappointed. people lie to the leader (everyone knows who is ment) and I am pissed of this.

    maybe now you see what I ment with my post...
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