
Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Queenie, 28 Jun 2015.

  1. audiosl4ve Saitama's underling

    set up kills for your team, ward, take dmg instead of them. That's your main role as support
  2. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    That was not really my question. I know what my role is in general. Needed more in depth.
    Last edited: 2 Jul 2015
  3. Kiethy Fluffy..

    I believe that in a ranked game, if you are good enough at support then it may be more difficult than other solo roles but you can hold the team together. All the games i won as ADC were probably due to a good support being able to CC the opponent. It may be difficult but i would much rather have someone i know is confident at the support role than someone forced into taking it.
  4. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    I'm in bitches Lux's Zealots with all you scrubs :P
  5. Jolly Long Arm The Moon... It's far away!

    don't feel bad about getting some kills (you need money too) but make sure its not an outright steal though accidents do happen.
    climbing might seem slower as support but that role brings so much to the team and the adc cant carry without you by their side. the satisfaction of winning and knowing you made a huge impact on the game as support if the best feeling.

    I notice you play sona a lot which is great that you want to master a champion im doing the same with morgana the meta fits so well with her, remember that sona is a passive sustain laner.
    There are many videos explaining this and what to do against the others :)
    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Dec 2016
  6. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    True. I picked her because Soraka is shit after her rework imo and I wasn't sure which others were frequently played. The meta seems to be more tanky support though? Although you can do some nice poke as Sona Q and power chord (as long as you don't get caught)

    I do however feel that support does not get enough protection from the team overall. During my games with Savage he would protect me as much as he could but when in team fights (and I am somewhere a bit more back, or at least I try) the rest would not even bother giving even a bit of protection.

    Not sure if I am really explaining this right though :S
    Last edited: 2 Jul 2015
  7. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    As long as you're getting your ult off and your team wins the team fight, you dying is not an issue, you're not really outputting any damage after all.

    The only time a support has to be protected is when they're warding the enemy jungle and some of them are missing on the minimap.
  8. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    But isn't it just as important that I live during a team fight as I can keep them alive? (or at least try to)
  9. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Not really, your healing is good to sustain your team during a siege but during an actual teamfight you need to be there to peel or flash/ult (and probably die).

    My point is that your heal is pretty minor and will only heal like 1 target, so with most teamfights lasting tops 30 seconds your influence isn't incredible, but you can offer some hard CC and auras, if you live long without sacrificing your carries that's good of course, but otherwise you want to be the first to die.
  10. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    good point.
  11. Squallkitty GM's #1 Streamer!

    spectated some of your games, i would recommend you to get the sightstone in the first 15 minutes for the wards and health.
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  12. Cactus The key is to never give up

    I don't play Sona so I can't give you that much advice on her.

    What I will tell you is to first item (as in first back, not starting item) sightstone.
    Boot upgrade as a support should be quite early and will probably one of: mobos/mercs/lucids/sorcs (I mainly go mobos and only sometimes go mercs however I don't play sona so you may want to get one of the other two on her).

    Anyway below is a spoiler on where to ward on each team. The green dots are the places to put wards. The lines imply that any of those wards could be pink wards. You generally want to get a pink ward whenever you can spare 100g. Also, as soon as you get your sightstone, switch from yellow trinket to red trinket.

    Note: It's dangerous to do many of those deep wards, so either do them when you know their jungler is top/mid and/or when you're with your team.

    You also want to ward dragon, however most of these wards will result in you knowing they are there, but simply don't have vision of them doing it.
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  13. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    Oh wow! Thank you @Cactus. This is very helpful!
  14. Mr.Bam Praise the sun!

    You need to learn to play something else than Sona. You could learn Thresh since he is the most versatile support and personally I'd recommend you Leona since she is tanky and aggresive which makes her a good engager.
    If you want to carry and climb you need to be able to make picks for your team by initiating on someone out of position. When playing Sona you either slow them with your powercord or you use your ult on the enemy that is out of position. A slow is not as effective since the enemy can dash away and your allies are (in some/most cases) less likely to take action. Using your ult on one person feels like a waste to me since it is AOE and thus can be used to stun more than one person giving your team a bigger advantage. Of course the enemy is one player short which is an advantage to you but that doesn't have to mean it was worth your ult.
    If you play Thresh or Leona you can hard CC the enemy with two spells and Thresh can also slow and zone the enemy and help your team react by throwing his lantern. The hard CC is on a short cooldown so it can be used to pick someone off and then be used in a teamfight shortly after. Since Thresh and Leona have hard CC they are also better at peeling for your ADC. Sona's slow is not effective against a lot of champions but hard CC is (and as I said using her ult on one person is a waste).

    Sona is not a bad champion, but she doesn't synergize with every ADC/teamcomp as well as other supports do. When playing a matchup like Draven vs Twitch you just can't pick Sona and expect to take full advantage of the earlygame situation. Draven can still win early if it were a 1v1 but if Twitch has Leona as his support you can't really help Draven out much.
    I also don't think Sona is as much of a playmaker as other supports but if Sona is what your team needs by all means play her.
    Last edited: 2 Jul 2015
  15. Queenie Don't tell me what to do!!!

    Just as a side note. I am not stuck with Sona. She was just an easy pick and a champ I know how to play a bit. But it was more in general about the role of support.
  16. Bagman Some cunt on the internet

    Alistar is a good pocketchamp as well for sick plays
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  17. Falsey John, the Goldfish: Never Forgotten

    Bit late but oh well,

    I feel at the moment that supports centered around healing are too niche. Healing is always good, of course, but picking Sona or Soraka in some team comps can pretty much equal gg; just not enough hard CC compared to other supports.

    Personally, I'd only really pick Sona if I could see that the rest of my team had pretty decent cc and, even then, I'd prefer to take a Janna over here any day. Sona's ult is p.gud, but when the rest of her kit only has a finicky slow her lack of a strong CC spell that isn't an ult is her major weakness.

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