Say Good Bye...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Grendal, 20 Dec 2008.

  1. Say Good Bye...

    To tthe worsed team Gaming Masters ever had. I do not want to blame anyone, I made mistakes. But I don´t want to lead a team with ten members, of who four check the forums regulary. It was a great time with the E team, but also noone cared about us. I don´t think many people here do care about this, but I just wanted to let those people know who do. I ask all E members to remove the E tag, I will still wear it. I wish F good luck in the future, now you guys are the only competitive team in this clan.
  2. Re: Say Good Bye...

    WTF? :o
  3. Re: Say Good Bye...

    i have removed E from my tag, let Grend be the only one that will wear it forever to preserve the memory, all hail Grend
  4. Re: Say Good Bye...

    Hmm? :?
    Reasons? You could just tell all the members they need to read the forum regularly.
  5. Re: Say Good Bye...

    lol spyko, you officially own E now :) *jokes*

    Farewell E. :|

    *catch ya later*
  6. IAmNomad Ex-Leader

  7. Re: Say Good Bye...

    We relaunched E two times now, and I just cant and don´t want to lead it anymore.

    fucking much real life, school is going very bad at the moment.

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