Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Obaruler, 31 Mar 2009.

  1. Obaruler German Rager/Spamer

    Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Well, you allready changed some stuff, you gain a -1 for every critz kill (or better: luck-kill) .... i think there is still stuff that need to be fixed.

    For example you are geting extra-points for headshots as sniper .... why ?! Headshots are nothing else then some kind of kritz kill, if you train a bit (a week) you get a headi many times, so i dont see why there should be extra points for an easy kill ...... a pistol-only kill is really skilled imo, but not a 100m range on-the-head kill :/

    Then the fact that you seem to get 10 points now for every kill (well, I AM geting 10 points for kills .... ) i think this isnt OK, the "old way" that people that are higher "ranked" then you should get less points for killing peopple with a lower rank.

    And there seems to be some kind of "bug/glitch" you can use to push your points: You go Engineer, build up all your stuff at base, then switch to another class, so your constructions vanish, and then instanlty swicht back to Engi to build up for new stuff -> You get the points for builded stuff but not the negative points for self-destroying your constructions, so you can "create" a high ammount of points without doing anything.
  2. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Head shots require skill. Going by your reasoning we should make people lose points every time they blindly grenade-spam, sticky-spam or go suicide-pyro. *Edit* Good job this is so easy: [youtube:g7scnf72]QkZLJeQ1Nhc&feature=related[/youtube:g7scnf72]

    Fair enough. But if people are retarded enough to do that and think that points = skill then they're in for a big shock. If you ask me people who waste their time doing that are welcome to the meaningless points they gain and I for one will kick them the second I see them doing it. Don't know how we can prevent it otherwise, unless some funky-plug-in can be created.

    The other stuff was fair enough - you should get less points for killing people below you, and you should get more points for killing those above you, we'll look into that.
  3. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    the only thing i would maybe change is medic assists should count as 1/2 a kill
  4. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    I seen this so many times, I just kick them, no matter who it is. seriously! :evil:
    but still, then your stats will be full of engineer points which is not good :P

    about the sniper class, it fine atm, headshot=skills
  5. BeauChaotica bodyshot noob

    Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    You said yourself Oba that for headshots you gotta put some time and effort in to train..


    That's pretty much how I'd define skill. You can't just swap to sniper to farm points if you can't hit anything.
  6. Geit Coding wizard!

    Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Maybe reduce the amount of points for building buildings?
    Sentry - 4 Points
    Dispenser - 3 points
    Teleporter entrance/exit - 2 points
    Sapper - 2 points
    Sentry - 2 Points
    Dispenser - 1 points
    Teleporter entrance/exit - 0 points
    Sapper - 1 points
  7. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Teleporters are very important... In the long run they're probably more important than the Sentry gun, i'd say make them all 1 point.
  8. Th-

    Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    FYI Sniper is a class with so many weaknesses, that his ability to pull off long range kills is well justified.

    Part of the TF2 basic combat training is evading snipers and hitting them from their weak spots. Maybe you should look into this. On the other hand you might want to become a good sniper yourself, Oba. If it only takes a week to start making a lot of headshots you'd soon be invaluable to any clan matches.
  9. Obaruler German Rager/Spamer

    Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Headshots arent difficult.

    As TF2 was "new" i tested every class of course, and as i was playing sniper at least there was every second or third shot a headshot - without any training.

    The only thing you have to learn are the weird hitboxes, nothing more, the "rest" like aiming should be every gamer able to perform who has played any other shooters before, because sniper can camp in the last line and has nothing more to do then aiming like in every other shooter with a sniper rifle.

    Maybee on maps like Dustbowl with its many corner its not that kind of easy ..... but i'va seen sniper camping on other maps like the Baloon Race one somewhere 8where you just CANT expect any dangers because you concentrate on other things) .... its some kind of AWP camping imo ..... well, if you really think that THIS requires "skill" .... :(
  10. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    If you base all of this on Balloon race then just stop talking right now. Sniper is one of the hardest classes to play well, unless of course you're in some flying boat which removes most of your natural weaknesses, you can't spam as a sniper, you can't accidentally hit stuff, unless you can heatshot at close range then you're dead the second a scout finds you etc. It also requires a great degree of map-awareness and gameplay knowhow. Think sniping is easy? Go on rotation server or play a PCW or something as sniper and see just how easy it is :)
  11. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Or play some CSS scoutzknivez with me if aiming is easy :)
  12. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    play as a sniper in the next few weeks and see for yourself.
  13. Obaruler German Rager/Spamer

    Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    I would prefer to infect maself with some exotic disease before i let a single headshot on my stats list ! ;P
  14. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    I wonder why I bother sometimes.
  15. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    What a complete fudge... "Headshots are too easy, so easy I won't bother to demonstrate how easy they are by showing you."

    Play a PCW, ONE PCW, as sniper - record a demo and show us how easy sniper is.
  16. BeauChaotica bodyshot noob

    Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Or come snipe on dustbowl sometime ;)
  17. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Dustbowl doesn't never does....
  18. BeauChaotica bodyshot noob

    Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    :roll: whatever you say, piss, whatever you say.
  19. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    Man i would love to see you play some pickup as sniper or demo your prefered class.

    Think you may learn classes are more than just Spam / Lucky kills.
  20. Re: Stats: Maybee changing some of the rules for earning points?

    It's not the class though - they all require skill to master. It's the map and the 32-players that do it. ANY class in a pickup / smaller game is harder to play.

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