
Discussion in 'Other Games and MMORPGs' started by Sir Rahka, 16 Jul 2014.

  1. Sir Rahka ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    What is it:
    As described by Tale of Tales,

    Made by:
    Tale of Tales

    Why should I be interested:
    Tale of Tales has made some pretty artistic games in the past, sure, but also some pretty awesome ones like The Path or The Endless Forest or Bientôt l'été. It is also a thriller game with a pretty unique setting and idea I do have to say. You don't see much of such games.

    If any of these following things tickle your fancy, then I recommend you give this game a glance. Perhaps even give them some of your pennies, even when this game has already gained twice its original Kickstarter goal. Kickstart available for the next 20 hours at the time of writing of this.

    • first person exploration

    • story-driven: no puzzles, no combat

    • atmospheric: sunset glow, stillness, tension outside, time passing

    • influence the relationship between the two protagonists

    • emotional narrative arc happens as you play

    • game length depends on style: between 90 minutes and 6 hours

    A bit more about the game and the ideas behind it:

    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Dec 2016
  2. So much nicer than the copypasta


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