Use of the |GM| tag in servers

Discussion in 'Server/Website Chat' started by UberMensch, 23 Feb 2009.

  1. Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    I'm just wondering, what's the policy of the |GM| tag? Do players need to be part of a team or clan to use it?

    I've become totally addicted to the Balloon Race server, so I'd like to show my support for such a brilliant setup ;)
  2. IAmNomad Ex-Leader

    Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    It's deja vu all over again.
    I just answered this here.
    RTFF plzkthxbai
    Last edited by a moderator: 27 Nov 2013
  3. IAmNomad Ex-Leader

    Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    We're not quite that harsh. Welcome to GM, mate. :) But RTFF!!! :evil:
  4. Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    :o Yes master!
  5. Geit Coding wizard!

    Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    You'll have to forgive nomad, he's our obedient guard-dog (J/K, love you really nomad <3).

    Welcome to the community, I remember seeing you last night. I can't remember how well you played though, I spend to much time trying to dodge sniper spam.

    Have fun!

  6. Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    yeah, it was a good joke nomands not very obedient ;)
  7. IAmNomad Ex-Leader

    Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers


    Attached Files:

  8. Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    That dogs a nomand!
  9. Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    Those damn snipers! If anyone was on fire in that match, I was probably the cause... :v
  10. Re: Use of the |GM| tag in servers

    I guess that his b'day present :)

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