Will you be buying L4D?

Discussion in 'Left 4 Dead' started by Core, 14 Nov 2008.


Will you be buying L4D?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Will you be buying L4D?

    As above

    Attached Files:

  2. XOo

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    sry but i wont be buying now because steam is scam im very angry now i tryed to buy l4d and they stole from me 44 buck those assholes
  3. Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    Erm...explain? :shock:
  4. Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    worked fine for a mate, got 2 copies, one gifted (payed tho).
    stole cash? uhm... nowai?
  5. XOo

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    payed with credid card evrything right with the card and so one and then on steam came some crappy error and 44 bucks gone :evil:
  6. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    Sry bit to expensive as I'm a student I don't have a job -> means no new games for me...
  7. Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    sure i will buy it

    btw XO sort it out with steam, as they cant get 44 bucks for nothing. :|

    report it , hope this helps
  8. Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    Yup I bought it! Well actually I didn't because for some reason my paypal acc gets locked by STEAM after every game I buy, so my friend gifted it to me :P
    <3 L4D
  9. XOo

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    y i got this An unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed.
    Please contact Steam Support error but i think im gona wait a little while untill and check my bank and sort all out and try evrything out again
  10. Vacoy some sort of fucking fish

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    I'll buy it the 21 Nov. since its coming out in stores here then, I'm going to buy it at my friends game shop in town :P
  11. Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    yea, im sure, they haven't taking any money out your account, btw i heard alot of ppl are experience problems on the steam browser, use your desktop browser like Firefox/IE/Opera etc to purchase games. it the same login as you log in steam ;)
  12. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    Yea lol Spyko I hope that too :lol:
  13. Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    ..i was first who voted no..
  14. Bun

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    I was third, due to old graphics card.

  15. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    I was second no simply b/c I can't afford it atm...
  16. Knud Phat beats only

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    I've ordered mine (from online store, like to have the dvd case and such) and will get it tomorrow! :D
  17. eoN

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    I hope they dont until they fix the issues with L4D

    No matter what server you go on with versus mode we all got over 140 ping and it lagged like fuck (5 attempts)

    The games a major dissappointment and i personally regret buying it... The demo is pritty much the whole game apart from some end missions and some different maps. No bosses, no new weapons, no anything >_>, playing as the infected isnt that fun either because of the lag and because of the fact you die in one shotgun hit...
  18. Bun

    Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    TF2 isn't even close to HL2:DM imo...
    TF2 = TFC, only more noob friendly, less speed, and hotter graphics.
  19. Re: Will you be buying L4D?

    I kinda agree with the versus mode. It's seems impossible to kill a survivor in one attempt and it's damn frustrating trying to find a server to play on that doesn't schlag.

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