
Discussion in 'Events' started by Dark, 17 Jun 2012.


Is it worth continuing?

  1. Resign entirely

  2. Play tonight

  1. (see poll)
  2. Rioter Mad man box wearing lunatic for President

    What's been the reason for this poll? Inactivity? Lame opponents? Need more players? Not enough ducks?
  3. Gaw discord is my friend now

    The main reason is that nobody bothers to show up.
  4. Pretty much all of the above

    • The players that hold our team together are not reliable (not necessarily their fault)
    • We do not have enough skilled players
    • We spend the time we should be practicing before each match begging for people to play and making huge compromises in our team resulting in not only a shit team but low morale
    • Wireplay tournament is a joke
    • Half the teams in our division consist entirely of players with more than 1000 hours played
  5. Rioter Mad man box wearing lunatic for President

    Sounds shite then.

    If no-one's having fun or able to play with a consistent level then just bow out. Tournament started at a not brilliant time either, since many of you were in the middle of exam periods.
  6. I'm honestly surprised the team lasted this long.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • List
  7. HellJack A message was delivered, and received.

    I could suggest that we practice as a Highlander Team.
  8. No point if we can't get a stable team.
  9. HellJack A message was delivered, and received.

    Practice might make the team feel more like a Team.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Wizard Wizard x 1
    • List
  10. Mole45 Dance Little Liar

    I think one of the main reasons that we have this issue is that there is not standing team. If we maintained a team of people with subs for a period of time longer than just a tournament then you'd probably see people taking it more seriously. I try and turn up to every game, I only got home about an hour or two ago from a weekend long event so would have been unlikely to make the start of tonight's. But if I'd known before Friday about the game I'd have informed whoever is making the team up and would have tried to find a sub.

    We had the same problem last year, and in this years highlander league but it is my view that GM has grown since last year when we were too amibitious with two teams that both fell apart in the end. To this end I think we can make a "1st IX" with subs. If people want to tryout for the team then we can hold practice games and see how they play, the team may change of the course of a year or so with people leaving and joining but at least there will be some kind of structure.

    I'm pretty certain even we can come up with 9 players and a minimum of 5 subs. If you want people to play consistently and turn up to all the games they need to feel a need for them to show up. If someone misses a game without informing someone on three or more ocassions, they should be suspended from the team temporarily (or something to that effect). Perhaps have practice games every fortnight or weekly in holidays, play against other people in GM or against other teams. I remeber back in the final game of last years hilghlander a member of our opposing team said "I thought GM was big". Taking everyone into account we are a large community, and if fielding a strong and consistent team means opening it up to community and clan members then so be it. I for one really enjoy the games, even when we are losing we have some great moments and can sometimes manage to come back from the brink as we did a couple of weeks ago on Upward. But you can't expect to win a majority of games with a team drawn up half an hour before the match and with people posting that they can't make it 5 minutes before or even after the game has started without good reason.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.
  11. Ling-Ling Some random pyro....

    Maybe you should make a core team, with players who really want to play. They should care enough to be on time for scrims and matches, and they will probably practice their dm, watch videos of other teams or play lobby matches. If they don't care, just kick and replace them. Of course you should also have subs willing to play, in case they are needed.
    (Look at Spawn together, we have about 20 members now, and every now and then someone wants to take a break from being main, and someone else replaces them. Try to stick with your core team in the beginning though.)

    Another thing: The ammount of hours you played in total doesn't really matter. The ammount of time played as a team does. Game sense is one of the most important things you need for competetive, followed by teamwork, map knowledge and DM. And maybe stop playing orange...

    I hope you guys can put a decent team together. It can be quite fun. And if you want, I can spectate/ merc in some scrims. This way I can help where needed with the experience I have.
  12. Sim Burner of props and hunter of hunters


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