X and F related

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Myke, 9 Jul 2008.

  1. X and F related

    Hey Team X and Team F,
    We need a day where X battles F, so i thought of every

    Thursday, 8pm GMT
    edit: the time (at least for the first) will be 7pm GMT.

    starting next week. Not this week!!!

    Confirmed by:
    from F team:

    from X team:

    is that ok for X and F members?
  2. Re: X and F related

    what is "GTM" ?

    if it's 9pm GMT, then it's a bit late for me (+1h atm, +2h in Winter)
  3. Re: X and F related

    how soon do you need it?
    8GMT or 7GMT?
  4. Bun

    Re: X and F related

    I can totally be there.
    I don't really care about times right now. Summer break motherfu**er!
  5. Re: X and F related

    ns, i also have summer break, just thought a bit "longer". It's fine for me atm, but if we do this after August, it should be about 7/8pm GMT.

    Fine then tomorrow :D
    (btw: announcements ftw.)
  6. Re: X and F related

    It won't be a match tomorrow,
    F officially starts playing next week, so the date is from next week on.
    I've set changed the time to 8GMT
  7. Bun

    Re: X and F related

    I censored it. :geek:
  8. Re: X and F related

    No match tomorrow? Come on, we all want one :(
  9. Re: X and F related

    i can play, 8pm gmt aint to bad here, only 9pm british summer time
  10. Re: X and F related

    K, it's not GMT time, it's WET time from now on... this means:
    8pm during summer and
    8pm during winter
    for britains
    and 9pm for central europe

    F will have one ;)
  11. Re: X and F related

    ok i've now checked this and basicly it is as follows for us brits

    WET 8pm = 8pm in the UK during the winter

    WET 8pm = 9pm in the Uk during the summer (we have +1hr on GMT/WET during summer for British Summer Time) ;)
  12. Re: X and F related

    With GMT times, does it stay 8pm no matter if winter or summer?
  13. Re: X and F related

    yeah GMT always stays the same time

    8pm during winter and summer (same all year round)

    in the UK we move our clocks forward 1hr (+1hr on GMT) during the summer, which gives us BST (british summer time)

    Confusing i know :?
  14. Re: X and F related

    k, than i will announce with GMT time in the future. +1h during summer is the same in austria, and afaik every european state has to switch at the same day.
  15. Re: X and F related

    9pm GMT/BST is good for me.

    But happy to go with the flow :)

  16. Re: X and F related

    8 GMT seams to be the best compromise for now (let's see what other players say)
  17. Re: X and F related

    just realized that this means 10pm for both of us :P
    well, it's fine for now, should be 7pm after the holidays though. The first Match discussion is HERE
    http://gamingmasters.org/forum/viewto ... f=21&t=748
    MAKE SURE TO POST *here* if the time is fine and to post in the other if you really make it then (mental sickness does not count as apologise)
    Last edited by a moderator: 27 Nov 2013
  18. Re: X and F related

    Cool - time/day is fine for me :)
  19. Re: X and F related

    ääähm... yeah, fuck GMT times!!!

    i thought of 8pm during Summer AND Winter for UK (which means 9pm for you waebi)
    this again means:
    7pm GMT during summer and 8pm GMT during winter.
    hope i finally got that right.
    Some UK members seam to prefer 8pm GMT during summer as well, but than it would be 11pm for our Finnish/Romanian members
    Last edited by a moderator: 27 Nov 2013

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