Your best Huntsman kill?

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by Danny, 23 May 2009.

  1. Your best Huntsman kill?

    Last night I was lucky enough to find the Huntsman so how, anyway on the Dustbowl server last night I killed a scout trying to take the 2nd point on stage 1.

    Here it is, I have to say it was a lucky shot but nevertheless an awesome one at that and the end result was funny.


    It an awesome weapon and everyone is bound to get a funny kill here or there so post them!
  2. Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    Sounds fun

  3. Ray

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    My Screenshots. Will update regularly.






    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Dec 2016
  4. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    Okay here are mine
    Btw, at Steel in the beginning: that right alleyway is the Tunnel of Death for teh Blue team ^^

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  5. The Xtractor Certified Weeaboo

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    damn i want that, but why is the bow left handed?
  6. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    dunno but it looks quite stupid tbh...
  7. Knud Phat beats only

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    It cannot be handled right handed?
  8. Ray

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    No, but it's not that bad Knud. You get used to it within a few minutes. I thought it would be weird before I get it but when I started playing with it, it wasn't much different.
  9. Re: Your best Huntsman kill?


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  10. Reag My name is an anagram for a reason

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?


  11. Bulletproof Last one alive, Lock the door.

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?


    btw everyone who thinks the huntsman is weird or crap, its ALOT better then the rifle!
  12. Robbiebob Non Verba, Sed Acta

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    Lol scout loves acupuncture :D

    And bullet, at long range the huntsman sucks ass. Like DB stage 2, first cp. Huntsman sucks ass there!!
  13. BeauChaotica bodyshot noob

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill? wow :P

    I haven't got it yet but from spec I've noticed he holds it on a different side in first-person and third-person? :?
  14. Reag My name is an anagram for a reason

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    The huntsman is a left handed weapon.
    I've got it through the milestones and it's a neat bit of kit, but I like the rifle more as a rifle + jarate combo is more effective over a huntsman + jarate combo.
  15. Fromage "The Cheese"

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    Not a kill.. but it looks guuud! :D


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  16. Ray

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    I want to have your babies.
  17. Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    Hahaha! I lol'd! xD
  18. Fromage "The Cheese"

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    You'll be a guud mom for ma kidz!

  19. Ray

    Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    Hah. Thanks Cheese. Edited my post to add 3 more images. xD
  20. Re: Your best Huntsman kill?

    semi-staged with Sandman:

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