Senzorei's Whitelist Application

Discussion in 'Whitelist Applications' started by Senzorei, 11 Dec 2013.

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  1. Hello! I'm quite new to this community and I wanted to say that I really like you guys, that aside -

    I'm applying for the private Starbound server.
    Mumble username: Senzorei
    Starbound character name(s): Senzorei, Sonorei
    Steam profile name: Senzorei_LV
    Steam profile link/id:
    Have you been on our mumble server?: Yes
    List the [GM] servers you have been on previously?: None (possibly a TF2 server)
    Do you agree to abide by our regular terms and rules?: Yes, this is common sense on paper :)
    Do you agree to abide by the rules specific to starbound?: -||-
  2. Gaw discord is my friend now

    Your application has been rejected. Your messages in the Slothbox indicate that you have pirated the game, resulting in you being unable to connect to our public server. This would also be the same case for the Private server, making the whitelisting rather pointless. I would strongly suggest that you figure out a way to purchase the game on Steam, at which point we would be happy to reconsider a second application!
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Wizard Wizard x 1
    • List
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